Just One More Hit

in #blog23 days ago



The city streets were a blur as Jack stumbled through the crowded sidewalks. His eyes, sunken and dark, scanned the faces of passersby, searching for a familiar one. His mind was consumed by the constant craving, the nagging voice that whispered "just one more hit."

Jack's addiction had taken hold years ago, after a painful injury left him dependent on painkillers. But as the months went by, he found himself needing more and more to feel the same high. Heroin had become his escape, his comfort, his reason for living.

As he walked, Jack's thoughts drifted to his family, his friends, and the life he once knew. He remembered the laughter, the love, and the sense of belonging. But those memories were distant now, shrouded in a haze of smoke and desperation.

Jack spotted a familiar face across the street - his dealer. With a surge of excitement, he quickened his pace, his heart racing with anticipation. Just one more hit, and he'd be okay. Just one more...