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RE: My First Blog

in #blog8 years ago

Some of his debates on YouTube are terrific, especially the debate in London, 'Is the Catholic Church a force for good?" Stephen Fry is equally one of my heroes, though in a very different way.
Hitch is a great loss. There are not many of his like around. His ability to triangulate between multiple arguments and literary works was just a phenomenon. What would one pay for a dinner and mad night on whisky with him?!Hey @antbird23 , good to hear back from you. Hitch 22 is, of course, a good read but I enjoyed most two of his greatest Hitchslaps: Henry Kissinger (The trial of) and his complete disembowelment of the Albanian witch, Teresa. That she died faithless and miserable was a well-earned state of purdah for a woman who presided over so much needless death.


@ebryans I'll have to look into some of his stuff on YouTube (didn't even consider looking into it really). I don't think there's enough money on the planet to be able to get that experience. Proves to be an inspiration for the rest of us to take up his literary prowess.