Poor phoneless fools.

in #blog5 years ago


I try to tell people this all the time. In America everyone is so wrapped up in the news, and the politics. It's all encouraging division. I have seen friends turn into enemies because of their beliefs. People seem to have forgot you can disagree with each other and still be friends.

If you didn't read the news or pick sides. You're life stays the same really. I felt no change from bush to Obama, from Obama to Trump. You only feel the change when you turn on a screen and see what people are saying.

This meme is one of my favorites. It is taken from the Netflix series 'The midnight gospel'. The show is worth watching, the conversations are really good, and the dystopian cartoons are fun to watch while the good conversations are happening.

Some days I wish I was the poor phone less fool sitting next to the waterfall. Sometimes I wish we all were that poor phone less fool.


Well, the way things are going, we might all be headed that way sooner than later... sitting by a waterfall without a phone, that is.

Beats working in the desert during summer heat lol