Religion? Dehumanization? Or Pure MADNESS?

in #blog8 years ago (edited)

So, i recently came across a picture of a pastor who can not step his foot on the floor while preaching and so, members have to find a way to make that possible.
This is said to have happened in Tanzania. I remember having seen a related picture in d past of a Nigerian pastor whose chair is lifted (with him sitting) in order to "maximize" the anointing flowing. I guess the ground had become a devils house and why they cant have direct contact.
So sad that a lot of persons are being scammed with the religion concept. From people impoverished for the sake of the pastor's pocket or those lead to slavery (quite rampant in Africa).
So called men of God living by the "do what I say but don't do what I do".
I wonder if the South African pastor who ordered his members to eat grass and snakes ate those things too

Or if this switzerland pastor went naked with his congregation


I guess your reaction was same as mine and my friends below when i saw all these


I'd better not share everything i've seen right here... Horrible!
Well, i've conditioned myself not to be too surprised at anything happening now. Some say its sign of the end of the world but i think it's just pure MADNESS!

Courtesy :-


Lol, such only happen in African.... Fucking religious but lagging in common sense...

Back up in scientific findings.... I feel like pooking.

Well said bro. Very disgusting things. BTW there is a church close to me that holds early morning program on monday morning up to 10am. And i'm like WTF, these ppl ain't gat work to go to? At least if not to feed their pocket at least, they'll feed their pastor. brain washed...knowing the truth and setting u free lyes with u.

Hahahahaha i pitty that guy jn the middle @1st picture

Lack of biblical underatanding.people are beinh used because they are seeking for miracle. Well this is end time false prophet must arise.alot will be deceived but hold fast the sound doctrine u heard from the beginning which is the saving of the soul.

This is serious mehn!!!!! this is no longer Religion!!!!!!

Nice article, religion is still the "opium" of the masses. Some religious leaders tend to abuse the powers they have.

Sidenote: Do you mind making your i's capital? :)

How is that?

No words...

Do not be surprised it's a fulfillment of bible end time


Nawa for peole ooo

hmmmm!!! speechless

Hahahahahaaa i pitty that guy in the middle @1st picture

You've said it all. It's sheer lunacy 😁

hmmmmm.......Its well

Excellent post my friend, visit my profile and read mine.

It's never said to be in all cases.