Nearly Mugged and Plugged in Philly - City of Brotherly Love? I Think Not!

in #blog8 years ago

City of Brotherly Love... PAH! In 2010 I almost got mugged and I was shot at while walking through the wrong neighborhood after dark.

I was attending the St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Philly and was taking a class on public speaking. The Priest who taught the class invited a radio talk show host to come to the Seminary to give a talk on public speaking. Fr. D. scheduled the class at 8pm. Since it was so late, I knew that there were a few things that I needed to get in order before going to the class. Our monastery was about 7 blocks away from the Seminary and while we walked there everyday, it was sorta safe in the afternoon and morning.. but in the evening we knew that Philly was more than a little dangerous in the neighborhood in which we lived.

I went home to my superior after classes had ended and I spoke to him about the night class. He told me that unfortunately the other brothers and Priests were out on assignment for the night.. and had taken all 3 cars.. so I would have to walk to class. He recommended that I find someone that would walk with me. We were told that if we had to go out at night.. to go in pairs.. safety was in numbers. I went around.. and knocked on plenty of doors in our house.. all the brothers were busy with studying. No one could go up with me. My apprehension was growing. There was one brother that was down at the Church.. and he might be free, is what I thought. I checked with him.. and he had an assignment that night. I knew that I had to go it alone.

After evening prayers and rushed through dinner and then asked permission to leave a little earlier. I went into my room and adjusted my suit and tie, I remember looking into the mirror and worrying about the walk as I planned out my route in my minds eye. I picked up my book bag and slung it over my shoulder and began my journey. As I opened the front door, a blast of icy cold air hit me in the face, I walked off into the darkness not knowing what was in store for me. If I had any idea of the encounter I was about to have.. I would have stayed holed up in my room!

I tried to stick to the sidewalks that were lit, but being in the area I was walking that was few and far between. I passed a few rough people and then had to cross over through a short walk through a park, it would save me about 4 mins of walking, so into the pitch black I went. I saw a bright light coming into view and heard the all too familiar 'thump thump thump' of a low flying helicopter and for about 10 seconds .. I was being lit up with a bright beam from the police helicopter spot light. They quickly moved on and I continued on my way, creeped out by that strange encounter. After I exited the park, I was now only a few blocks from the Seminary. I had about a block to walk before crossing the street and then beginning the long walk up the sidewalk to St. Charles, which was at least another 2 blocks walk. As I neared the intersection, I heard load rap music playing as a car pulled up beside me. It was an old LTD, which is a former police car.

I began to walk a little quicker and the car kept pace with me. They were making crude jokes about and yelling things like "Yo, who dis #$@%#", "Who the F$& do you think you are?", "Get the F#$% out of here whitey!!" and other really crude things. I saw the light approaching and to my horror.. it was turning red. So they were right beside me. I took my chance as I gripped my book bag shoulder straps and I quickly ran out in front of their car and ran across 4 lanes of traffic and made a dash for it. I slowed down.. thinking that they were stuck at the light and I had made a clean escape. Much to my horror, I heard horns blaring and looked over my shoulder as I saw them cut across the traffic and gun the car up to me at which point they slammed into the curb right in front of me, half way up on the side walk. Four guys jumped out, as that was going on.. I knew I was in trouble. I felt this power rush of adrenaline kick into gear and I took off running up the hill towards the Seminary. I ran as fast as I could, I could hear the guys running behind me and that is when.. I heard the most shocking part of this.. A loud "Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop". And I could literally hear bullets whizzing through the air.. I started to zig zag as I ran. I saw the gate to the Seminary getting closer and as I ran through the security gate.. I collapsed on the ground in exhaustion. The guard ran to the gate and by that time..the guys were gone.

After getting up.. I stumbled to the class.. exhausted, shaking, perspiring, and a terrible fear of the return walk home. At the end of class, I tried to get a ride home.. but everyone was busy. I had to walk back by myself at 10pm est. =( I was scared out of my mind.. but I made it.. this time taking a little different route that kept me towards nicer neighborhoods.. but took longer to walk. That experience was the closest I have ever been to getting mugged.


He bought the kit which comes with pistol, black hoodie, fingerless gloves and a note instructing user to grow a beard or mustache in order to complete the "thug on the street" look.

"He bought the kit which comes with pistol, black hoodie, fingerless gloves and a note instructing user to grow a beard or mustache in order to complete the "thug on the street" look."

He probably got it at the same place you can find this fine product

LOL! I searched google for 'thug' and got that image. =D

Now that's funny.
"Perhaps you recognize me, I'm known as thug on google"

LOL!!! That is funny!

8:00 PM? Late? Woah I guess you must be a Priest...

HAHA! No.. I dropped out after almost 2 yrs. =D That was kinda late for me at that time.. I had to wake up before 5 every morning. =D

Good for you! Enjoy your life - no sense being a slave to religion.

Just being a work-a-holic now... put in 16 hr days.. =D

up voted because its a good story but I have a feeling its pure fiction. Every single person was studying? They tried to rob you and fired multiple rounds at you right there at a busy intersection that likely had cameras and cars filled with witnesses plus there was a police chopper in the area? Most muggers wait in dark secluded areas to avoid all that. You didn't call the police after? After telling people your story still no one would drive you home? None of that seems very likely. I feel this whole story was tailored to get up votes from right wing crowd on here. but still you get my vote because it kept my attention.. very suspenseful ect ect.

@whitezombie I know it sounds crazy.. but I can promise you that it was true. I didn't mention a few details. My class consisted of 8 other guys.. yes, they were busy, some had duties in their dorms before calling it a night. And there was a curfew after 9pm, so it being 10pm, they would have had to get permission from the Priest on call in the dorm.

The second thing.. I did ask the speaker for a ride.. he was going to give me one.. and the Priest who invited him.. freaked out and said that I was rude to ask him for a ride.. that he was a guest of honor, ect.

The chopper had been flying over the park which was about 4 blocks away from where this incident happened and he was no where in the area. I did speak to the security guard at the gate, he notified the campus police, but as I said, the guys and car were gone.

I truly did not lie or make this up. I know it sounds unbelievable.. but it happened.

Well it could true I guess.. crazier things have happened. lol Like i said it just seems pretty unlikely is all. From my experience when someone wants to rob you they want to do it where they wont be seen. I got robbed once after leaving a Walmart by some oxy addict when i was 16. I went in to get a 2Lt of coke to mix with the flask I had acquired at the mall across the way. I went around the back of the store to take a swig and as he walked up behind me I could hear the country music blasting from his head phones.(kidding there was no music) but yeah I saw this guy at the mall a couple of times before I even walked over to Walmart because he had been following me waiting for me to go somewhere where he wouldn't be seen. He threw me up against the wall and I thought he was a cop busting me for the alcohol at first.. till he said give me your money. Unfortunately for him I had searched the couches for change and stole 7 dollars on my mother to get the flask I had. unfortunately for me he settled for the booze and i went to my gf's house party sober. but my point is he followed me around for a long time to make that move and that's usually the case. ya know come to think of it i should make a post about that story lol

Philly's crazy. I know a guy from Arkansas who is a big, burly, scary, loud, obnoxious, crazy dude I would never ever even think about messing with, no matter the circumstances. He's a big tough man, so he moved out to Philly. Well, that guy I'm describing has a kind heart and he moved there to start a (Liberty Baptist) Church. He moved his wife and 2 small children to a tough neighborhood where the "thugs" sometimes use his yard to hide bags of drugs. He goes out to politely ask them to move it and stop, so they deny and claim nothing is there. That's when he gets out his trimmer and heads to the front of the yard first. They yell and go move it. It takes someone brave and courageous to willingly go to a place like that. Go visit his Church and tell him I sent you. I haven't seen him in over a year, but you don't have to wait that long.

That's great.. what a good guy to go there and help those people. Moving into an area like that is not easy, fun, or simple.. But what blessings he will get for doing that good work!

He's truly amazing. I don't except some random person to go visit a Church because some other random person mentioned it...but, if you ever do find him, Burton Gates, ask him to tell you his story. I want to praise him and honour him for his story, but I know he's just a messenger for God and an example of God's great grace. ...I don't expect you to ever meet him, but if you do, you will not be disappointed. It's definitely worth a Sunday morning trip.

WOW!!! That's crazy dude!