I've never been in a foreign country at all. I haven't even had a plane ride yet. The photo above looks so much like Italy. It's actually a local mall right next to our office location. It's the Venice Piazza Grand Canal Mall. It was inspired by the real thing in Italy.

They even have a copy of the tower from Piazza San Marco. As well as gondolas you can ride along the canal (not pictured). They also have a copy of the Rialto Bridge. A lot of Steemians have already shared this place here as well, I think googling 'Venice Piazza Steemit' will get you some results.

I just want to share my own shots of the place as well. In the coming week or two, I bet my photos would greatly improve once I purchase a camera (if I would). I have only been in this mall for 3 or 4 times only, I did say it was right next to my office but I go to work right after it closes and go home a few hours before it opens so I don't really have the luxury of time to go there earlier than usual or stay late after work.
Thanks for dropping by! I'd appreciate your comments down below. What do you think of the place? Have you visited this mall? Have you visited the real thing?


Venice Piazza Grand Canal Mall are exceptional place in the world as ever i seen in your post @deveerei
Nice place!
I'm going there, soon. Hehehe. Love the photos.
Nice shots @deveerei :) I can really relate to your post. We've visited also venice piazza last november with @jassennessaj @themanualbot @leryam12 @carpieeew :)
I meant to meet you there but I was sick or at work. I forgot.
Good thing the crowd is small. Last time we went, we can barely move around lol. Nice pictures. :)
Either be there early or very late.
true! or the weekdays!
may be i reasteam your post sir
The last time I was there, there was no canal yet. Nice photos! :)
It looks great. Especially if there's not too many people.
nice photos, I haven't been there yet.
the place looks awesome.
Wait the floor is radiating is that a pool underneath?
That's the 'canal', yes - it's kinda a pool.
Venice Piazza as you posted is a Magnificent Mall which can compete to what you sees in Italy even America and other advance countries. I follow and upvote you.
I didn't even know such a thing existed. I have seen the one in Las Vegas, but it's not very nice. Not at all like the real thing.
I've been to the real one and it's breathtaking. You won't want to leave. You can wander around lost for hours and not even worry about it. You should go if you get the chance! Make sure to eat the gelato while you're there. ;)