I'm very sorry for your loss. Suicide effects everyone who has been touched by the life of the person, but it is only the choice and responsibility of the person who has made this decision. Please do not feel responsible in any way for the decisions of this friendly stranger. Sadly as you said, there were many people on his page who left sentiments for months after his passing, he also had a mother and others who knew him outside of this world of technical mystery. Yes we are connected but yet we are strangers and you do have a responsibility to keep your life active and functioning. Not entertaining social media for a few weeks or even months is not un-healthy it's quite healthy as long as your being active and outgoing in your ACTUAL LIFE!! Suicide is a sad and self centered choice because it is focused on ones self with no care for the many people who will be damaged and affected. anyone considering suicide has a responsibility to ask for help for their-self. If one is lonely or depressed they have to work to change that, you can't save them you are not their savior. All we can do is Pray I say, be kind be loving and gentle. Feel Better, Keep your Head Up, I'm here if you need to talk.
thank you so much x