Make Your voice heard on every issue!

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Voting for a representative in an election is not democracy, in fact its the opposite. Our vote amounts to giving someone dictatorial powers for 4 years. The electorate have no way to hold their representatives acccountable other than not voting for them in the next election. Representatives can and usually do whatever they want all without our consent. Representatives fail to poll the will of their constituents.

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Respectfully, I must submit that I would be more confident in a direct vote platform if the electorate showed more conviction those few times that they do direct vote. Instead the continue to elect the same people into office who ignore their will and they do it over and over.

I live in California and it seems like that even when an initiative or a referendum is passed the powers that be find ways to circumvent the will of the people. Both voter sheepishness and established power need to be overcome. The swamp will certainly not look at direct democracy as a good thing.