Pregnant again || Embarazada de nuevo.

in #blog3 years ago (edited)

Hi there 🌷

The first time I had a dream about this the context of my life was different. I was so in love with a boy that the idea of having more children didn't overwhelm me at all. Those who know me know this is not part of my priorities.

La primera vez que soñé con esto el contexto de mi vida era diferente. Estaba tan enamorada de un chico que la idea de tener más hijos no me abrumaba en absoluto. Los que me conocen saben que esto no forma parte de mis prioridades en absoluto.


Photo by Michaela Markovičová

At the time I took it as a good omen and it also showed me how committed I was to this person in many ways. I thought this kind of dream was something that would never happen again, especially in the current context, but I was wrong. I got pregnant again.

En ese momento lo tomé como un buen augurio y también me demostró lo comprometida que estaba con esta persona en muchos aspectos. Pensé que este tipo de sueño era algo que no volvería a ocurrir, especialmente en el contexto actual, pero me equivoqué. Volví a quedarme embarazada.


This post we have two missions:Este post tiene dos misiones:
- To find out the meaning of this dream thanks to St. Google and my readers' experiences.- Conocer el significado de este sueño gracias a San Google y a la experiencia de quienes me están leyendo.
- To figure out who the father is.- Descifrar quién es el padre del niño.

What a surprise I got that morning. When I woke up, my first reaction was to die laughing. My phone alarm killed that drama if I remember correctly. I tried to remember everything until I was able to talk to Adam and yesterday I decided to make a post from that dream.

Menuda sorpresa me llevé esa mañana. Mi primera reacción fue literalmente morirme de risa al despertarme. Si no recuerdo mal, fue la alarma de mi teléfono la que acabó con esa novela. Intenté recordarlo todo hasta que pude mantener una conversación con Adam. Ayer decidí hacer de mi sueño un post.


Photo by Joshua Köller from Pexels

In the dream, my mother was driving a 1983 red Fiat Uno. She had this car a few years ago. I was sitting in the passenger seat as she was going to a town about 45 minutes from my city. As we were talking I looked down and that's when I realized I was pregnant.

En el sueño mi madre conducía un Fiat Uno rojo de dos puertas. En realidad, ella tenía este coche hace unos años. Yo estaba sentada en el asiento del copiloto mientras ella conducía hacia una ciudad a unos 45 minutos de mi ciudad. Mientras hablábamos miré hacia abajo y fue entonces cuando me di cuenta de mi embarazo.


For a few minutes, I completely stopped listening to what my mother was saying. I started to have mixed feelings. The first thing I felt was a surprise because I didn't understand how that could have happened. In dreams, we usually believe that what we are living is real and this was no exception.

Durante unos minutos dejé de escuchar por completo lo que decía mi madre. Empecé a tener sentimientos encontrados. Lo primero que sentí fue sorpresa porque no entendía cómo podía haber pasado eso. En los sueños solemos creer que lo que estamos viviendo es real y esta no era una excepción.


Photo by Pixabay

The surprise lasted seconds, just as it arrived it left. Then I knew the sex of the baby and what I was going to name it. I was going to have a boy, whom I had planned to call Joseph. As far as I remember, I was ready to give birth and my mother was going by car because there was a hospital there.

La sorpresa duró segundos, así como llegó se fue. Después ya sabía el sexo del bebé y cómo lo iba a llamar. Iba a tener un niño, al que había planeado llamar José. Por lo que recuerdo, estaba preparada para dar a luz y mi madre iba en coche porque allí había un hospital.


Photo by Edita Garlaite

I didn't understand why we had to go to another city to do it, but I didn't question her. When we arrived she told me to get off on the main avenue because she could not accompany me to the hospital. I remember feeling a little scared there because I would have to do it alone, but after a few seconds, I got over that too.

No entendía por qué teníamos que ir hasta otra ciudad para hacerlo, pero no la cuestioné. Cuando llegamos me dijo que me bajara en la avenida principal porque no podía acompañarme al hospital. Recuerdo que allí sentí un poco de miedo porque iba a tener que hacerlo sola, pero al cabo de unos segundos también se me pasó.


Yes, I had to do it that way because another certainty I had was that this child did not belong to anyone, that is, he did not have a biological father. This was the most disconcerting thing of all because that could not be possible unless I had become the Virgin Mary. Seriously, I dreamed this and I don't understand it either.

Sí, tuve que hacerlo así porque otra de las certezas que tenía era que ese niño no era de nadie, es decir, no tenía padre biológico. Esto era lo más desconcertante de todo porque eso no podía ser posible a no ser que me hubiera convertido en la Virgen María. En serio, esto lo soñé y tampoco lo entiendo.


Photo by Mikhail Nilov

I grabbed my wallet, took a deep breath, and got out of the car. At this point, I felt no fear, but full confidence that I could make it without any inconvenience. I started walking and recognized the street I was on. The hospital I was heading to was in front of a clinic where I used to work as a dentist.

Cogí mi cartera, respiré hondo y salí del coche. A estas alturas, no sentía ningún miedo, sino plena confianza en que podría hacerlo sin ningún inconveniente. Comencé a caminar y reconocí la calle en la que me encontraba, el hospital al que me dirigía estaba frente a una clínica en la que solía trabajar como dentista.


My alarm went off at that moment, so I had to get up. My mother left in her car as soon as I started walking and I was concentrating on what I was going to do. I didn't feel any pain or anything even though the birth was going to be natural and it was supposed to be my turn.

Lamentablemente en ese momento sonó la alarma y tuve que despertarme. Mi madre se fue en su coche en cuanto empecé a caminar y yo iba concentrado en lo que iba a hacer. No sentía ningún dolor ni nada a pesar de que el parto iba a ser natural y se suponía que me tocaba a mí.


Photo by Karolina Grabowska

That morning as I was making breakfast I was thinking about that dream because it was not like the ones I usually have. According to the first search I did on the internet this could be indicating what my subconscious wants to manifest. To be completely honest I do not consider this to be the most accurate interpretation.

Esa mañana mientras preparaba el desayuno obviamente pensaba en ese sueño porque no es de los que suelo tener. Según la primera búsqueda que hice en internet esto podría estar indicando lo que mi subconsciente quiere manifestar. Para ser completamente honesto no considero que esta sea la interpretación más acertada.


It is possible to interpret dreams in two ways, either boringly and thinking that they mean nothing or funly and thinking that they mean anything and lead us to endless possibilities. It is obvious that when I dream of something that I consider interesting I choose the second option.

En la interpretación de los sueños se pueden tomar dos caminos, el aburrido y pensar que no significan nada o el divertido que puede significar cualquier cosa y llevarnos a un sinfín de posibilidades y escenarios. Es obvio que cuando sueño algo que considero interesante elijo la segunda opción.


Have you evere dreamed that you are pregnant? // ¿Alguna vez has soñado que estás embarazada?



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Thank you so much for stopping by.

Lots of love,




When I first saw this post, I thought you were really having another baby! But then I read more and I see it was all a dream.

I never dreamed of being pregnant. It's biologically impossible for me, but in dreams I guess anything can happen!

Maybe you watched a video or TV series or movie where someone was pregnant recently and your brain built its own story around the concept of being pregnant. Or maybe someone in church talked about the Virgin Mary recently. Or maybe your brain randomly had a memory of when you were pregnant with Adam and it built a new story around that memory.

It can be fun to try to figure out our dreams! :)

Hahaha. Sorry, yes it was only a dream.

I'm watching Inventing Anna and my favorite character is pregnant. You're right, maybe that was the reason I dreamed about it. Have you watched it?

I dreamed so many times that I am pregnant. I wonder also what could be the reason of it and what it symbolises in real life.

Well, what I read on the internet online was that maybe you want to have a baby. If not, it could mean that you're about to start a new project or make a big change in your life.


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