dTube: White House Afraid to Criticize Bogus Russian Election

in #blog7 years ago

The White House is clearly so afraid to criticize the bogus Russian election

Hilarious video of Trump Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders shows that the White House is clearly afraid to criticize the recent bogus sham re-election of Russian President Vladimir Putin

What do you think?

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God Bless the U.S.A and its Allies !

might have been a sham but even in a fair race he would win. look at how many people turn out for him just as shammy as the British or American elections

  1. Even in the fair race he would win. Probably in second tour.
  2. Race was unfair.

To many, in Russia, Putin's a cool dude.
He kicked the CIA out of Moscow, when he removed CIA-installed Yeltsin out of the Kremlin...they remember the horrors of life under Yeltsin, as he destroyed their nation.
At least Putin works on behalf of his country and not the CIA.
The Russian people aren't as easily duped as US citizens...they know what who put Yeltsin in office. They know who defended them from the US Empire trying to put military bases on Russian soil.

That's okay but...
Imagine that your country is ruled by one man for 18 years. With no viable economic program all the time. With extreme preferential to his inner circle friends. With corruption is only growing and rule of law deteriorating. With no option to elect someone but himself or his obvious puppet. With freedom of speech thrown out the window.
Now you have a glimpse on how to live under V.V.

He did gave his people calm. But it ended up as a cemetery calm.

I live in a nation that has been ruled by Goldman Sack and JP Morgan for over 20 years. The same CIA that installed Yelstin has taken over the US government.
I am not Russian. I don't claim to know what Russians need.
I only know one thing. The Russian people do NOT need the US Military to come spread "democracy" to their nation...AKA...NATO invasion/occupation.
At least Russia doesn't house 25% of the world's prisoners. Russia does not have military bases in 70% of the globe.
See, I'm American...I'm pissed at what my military has done to this world and sick of my tax dollars being spent on this blood bath...the US Empire.

brilliant wish more people open there eyes and ears. used to be constant bull from the TV now its from all directions and people just buy into it. regardless of how you feel about him personally he is doing well for his country. yeah he is making his own fortune but so does every other leader in the so called free world @qam2112

I wouldn't want to invite him to my house, that's for sure.
I know he has done bad things, but nothing compared to the ongoing war crimes of the US Military.
There is never one person in charge...there is one point person. Putin cannot be there without some level of support.
He does, however, brilliantly stand up for his nation, in the global arena. I respect him as a stateman.

maybe. but in Russia he is a good, personally don't like or dislike him but would rather not listen to our news. china was the best thing going until they dropped the dollar now they are a regime cox they dropping the petrodollar Russia were bearable until they did a deal with china for gas now they are evil. come on follow the money trail. not saying the elections weren't fixed but every countries are but we just don't get to hear the propaganda. imagine living in Russia and listening about the us elections you would have a field day

ps my English aint this bad they keep predictive texing me basically yeah know better than me what I wanna say lol

Putin is popular in his country, but it was definitely rigged. Which most everything in this world is rigged today. I think it's funny how former President Obama congratulated Putin for winning the rigged election in 2012. But, it was no big deal. President Trump does it, and it's the liberal media goes nuts. The fact is, there's really nothing we can do about Putin winning his rigged election. The U.S. is notorious for supporting groups of rebel factions that take over a country, and inevitably turn out to be anti- american. Lets face it, Putin is a fierce, intelligent ,and strong leader for his country. I'm not condoning him, his policies, or agenda. That's just what he is.

Right, he would have won either way...just not with 77% of the vote.

"We're gonna be tough on Russia" she says as she dodges a question on the fairness of the Russian election. lul

stunning, right?

World is going worst day by day. We are not gone understand what is going on

politics is funny ,,, the world of politics is very cruel but without human politics lose direction :)

Are Russian Elections better or worse than US elections?
Personally, I'd rather focus on ours, which fall so far below international standards, the world laughs at us, when we talk about democracy.
Let's get free, fair, open, transparent and accurate elections, in the USA...then...and only then...can we start pointing our fingers at other people.
Oh...right...why not focus on the Saudis, who are committing war crimes and have NO elections?
This neo-McCarthyism you keep focusing on is dangerous. Why beat the drums for WWIII like you have a habit of doing?

I'm guessing, once you get your wish, and the US finally goes to war with Russia, and WWIII rolls into full gear, you'll blame Trump, right?
HRC was clearly on board, threatening to blow up Russian jets, during her campaign. You've joined the voices pushing for war with Russia.
Dems, helped GOP get more and more and more military funding. Let's see $80 MORE then was needed.
Russia has an economy smaller than Spain. It spends less on it's entire military then the $80 extra military spending that GOP/Dems agreed to. Yet, they have no US Military bases in their nation yet. That's that worst part of it, to the elite of this nation.
War, war, war...that's all you Democrats and Republican ever want!

I've been watching the David Pakman Show regularly for over a year, and I have never heard him say anything that indicates he is wishing for a war between the US and Russia. For that matter, he has never shown any indication of a belief that violence is a solution to any of the world's issues. I really can't see what this comment has to do with the clip above or the show as a whole.

Why does he keep frothing at the mouth about the evil Ruskies then? He's a bright man. He's got to know this talk only leads to war.
There are much bigger problems facing out nation.
A country with an economy smaller than Spains. And he is willing to accept the word of the dude that spread the false WMDs narrative...Robert Mueller...and the same people that led us into another false and illegal war.
If David isn't aware of it, this constant push to cast Russia as our evil adversary, combined with NATOs inching towards Moscow will most certainly lead towards WWIII. Confronting Putin in Syria, will most certain lead to WWIII.
I haven't heard him speak against this push towards war...only about how we must stop the evil bad #RussiansAreComing.
It is nothing more than neo-McCarthyism.

A good post. If you want your mind, please give me a vote.

Why are we criticizing Russia when China's "President" just made himself dictator for life?

Not sure who you are referring to, but we've been covering that story as well

What makes it a sham and since when did you become the voice of the Russian people? Seriously guys to not like 45th is one thing but to hound everything they say or do is being petty.

So dozens of dozens??? Is there some kind of proof they were paid or forced? Pro Putin fanatics? Doesn't make a big difference David. Let,s not pretend that David is alternative...More proof that David is an extension of the mainstream media narrative to push anti Russian rhetoric among other subjects and stuck in a left right paradigm... Why don't you talk about something more meaningful like insider trading and the 270 plus so called coincidences the day of 9/11.

oh no, off the deep end conspiracy theorist

He may be the deep end conspiracy theorist, but you are getting info about Russia from the corporate media, @davidpakman. Can you even imagine how wrong it is?