@ibringawareness Yes indeed, I am staying encouraged and still have high hopes for Steemit. I just hope some of the issues brought to my attention in the articles in today's edition can be resolved in a mature manner before the platform goes mainstream. I was most upset on behalf of @masteryoda whose tireless daily efforts have definitely added great value to the platform. That he should be discouraged from continuing is deeply regrettable. I believe the community in a free market economy like Steemit should be left to ultimately determine 'value' and compensate it accordingly itself without the intervention of whales or founders.
Likewise, that someone should feel "witch-hunted" into having to break their anonymity in order to confirm their identity at the behest of a few is definitely not the way forward imo. I made the editorial comment because I had presented the other side of the story in yesterday's edition, and wish no-one to get the idea that 'Steem Talk' will be one-sided in any way or tolerate any form of censorship.
I may have my personal opinions, but they will be kept out of the 'paper'. Thanks again for your comment! :)