STAYING HAPPY; Who get to decide? (Happiness Series part 1)

in #blog7 years ago

Are you at a point where you really feel like there's nothing to be happy about or at a point where you feel like everybody around you are contributing nothing to make you happy, then this post is exactly for you. Read ON

HAPPINESS: The true meaning
In philosophy, happiness is referred to good life rather than an emotion(what people feel).
In psychology, happiness is referred to as positive affect - a mood or emotional state which is brought about by generally positive thoughts and feelings. Happiness simply put is a state of mind and not just an emotion. What brings happiness to one may not necessarily evoke the same emotions in the other.

Who should be Happy?
Many a times, people feel those that are happy have lesser problems or more money but the truth is that no matter how much money or how may people you have around you, if you don't make the conscious effort to be happy, you'll never be happy because happiness is a choice and its from within. Your happiness can only come from You and you alone. It comes from your own actions.
Have you ever wonder why it seems like children are always the happiest set of people on earth? It is because they (innocently and consciously)take little to heart and enjoy every moment of life. Some have permanently locked happiness out of the door because they think its attached to an achievement or accomplishment and when it comes, they find themselves right back where they've started UNHAPPY.
While going thorough a rather tough time in my life, i constantly fall into depression and at times thought of suicide always wishing someone was there to make me happy and perhaps drag me out of the hole I've fallen into. I only got better when i learnt that i have to make constant and conscious effort to be happy.
Happiness belong not to the wealthy or the poor. It belongs to those who will make constant and concious effort to be happy.

I hope this article has been helpful. Watch out for the next one. STAY HAPPY!!!350px-Haveaniceday.jpg


nice read my brother

Thank man..... hope you were able to pick up a thing or two

Even I wish