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RE: Random Spiel, Finding a Role Model

in #blog2 months ago

"I really believe that a lot of people fail not because they lacked the effort to "work hard", but rather it's the lack of effort to work smart and to do this is to learn from the people that already have a system in place." I will put this in analogy via Super Mario. Mostly can finish the game until you found out that some people can finish it in world record time, with extra life and with a lot of coins and that's what I want to learn. Imho people should start being a student and seek for more knowledge out there.


I think everyone is a student until they stop setting a goal for themselves. What I mean is that you don't need to motivate people to learn something if they find it in themselves that what's in front of them is worth learning. But there are bad and good students depending on the craft and this is the part where I think fairness is an illusion if the metric was based on merit.