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RE: Crypto miners have really fucked the next-gen graphics card market up

in #blog4 years ago

I blame the people that buy from scalpers. Miners are using the cards for a legit purpose so you can't really blame them. The issue is they're getting around the 1 per person limit, and that's the fault of scalpers.


That's the issue. Miners are obtaining these cards using loopholes to get around the 1 card per person limit. People buying from scalpers are very much part of the problem, but the majority of consumers who do just want one card, not six of them. It just seems so selfish that given the rarity of these cards and stock issues which will allegedly continue into late 2021, buying a whole heap of them is greedy.

I really wanted a 3080, but I couldn't justify the exorbitant price. Even the retailers here in Australia are being greedy and charging way above reasonably retail price.

Nvidia and AMD really fucked up with their card launches, that's for sure.

I can see card manufacturers building something into their cards that allow them to only be used for gaming in the future. Or maybe producing gaming and mining editions.