Gday guys, i wanted to do a guide for new users to steemit who are making great articles but are jumping the shark in terms of content output.
I myself recently started on steemit and got straight to work making articles and putting pieces together, i wanted to produce the best content i possibly could and hopefully make some money doing it, but after the first week i noticed something.
I wasn't getting the attention i thought i would, even though i was writing to the best of my ability and trying to provide the best possible reading experience to my small follower base i quickly came to a realization that i may be wasting my time on big articles at the moment, and i soon found out that i was right.
After a quick skim through of some top users and high payout posts I noticed a trend emerging, there was two types of people who got paid.
People with big following bases
And people getting whale votes
Now, one is obtainable, the other is pure luck so i'm only going to be focusing on the one that is obtainable.
Get a following base first.
This is important, it doesn't matter if you content is literally the best on the site, if no one is reading it you're not going to get anything you're planning for yourself, establishing a following base is tantamount to success on steemit and I mean a real following base.
Follow for follow programs are great, but eventually there is diminishing returns, if someone is following a thousand people and you're the thousand and one being follow the chances of your content being seen are almost non existent, it's great at the start but it quickly falls off and you're lost in the crowd so how do you establish a real follower base?
Make friends!
Steemit is a social media platform, yes there is money to be made here but the key word here is social if you aren't being friendly why will people upvote you? establish new friendships with people on the site instead of mass spamming peoples walls with "follow for follow?" trust me, there are more than enough people doing these programs out there, they don't need you doing it as well.
Making friends on steemit is investing in your own future on the site as people you have interacted with regularly are going to be more mindful of your blog if they're thinking about something you've posted or have regular talks with you, i have a few people bookmarked that i check whenever i log in to steemit everyday because i know them and i know their content, eventually this will translate into followers for you as well.
Take it slow at first.
No one comes to steemit and becomes a pro instantly, unless you're bringing a huge following with you, taking your time is required when learning a new site and gaining followers, you may be eager like I was to get to work and start making original content but without a following you're just posting for posterity's sake.
Don't fall into the traps of plagiarism.
Look your content may be a masterpiece of writing but eventually seeing someone make a thousand dollars for a 100 word post about ice cream is gonna hurt and you're gonna want a piece of that as well, but falling into that trap is a great way to not get noticed by dolphins and whales who have been here longer than you and have seen it before.
Not only is plagiarism a ban worthy offense, you're not going to make the hundreds of dollars you think you are and it's a great way to get people to unfollow you and overlook your work in the future.
Don't be discouraged
Okay, it happens to everyone, but you're new here you've got a ways to go before you make the big money you aren't going to be a success overnight, a lot of people see the money on offer here and think "awesome i can do that!" and get a week or so down the track and give up on it.
Also, some of your original content will go unnoticed sometimes hence why you should save your best for when you have a solid following base but at the same time don't hold back, if you have something you want to share on steemit go for it, every post increases your exposure either way!
Engage with people in their articles.
If there's one thing that annoys me is when i post something and it's completely ignored by someone in the comments section looking for a quick upvote it's annoying as hell and you won't get anything from it, but if you bring something to the conversation you will quickly find yourself with a new friend or follow.
Comments are great for new users to generate a bit of steem power however don't abuse it, commenting on a post that has a $700 payout with "wow great article never thought of that!!" is about as subtle as a flying brick, we know what you're upto!
Be consistent
Nobody follows a never poster or an empty poster, if you have a chosen topic you like to talk and write about, write about that first, Steemit people run in packs depending on the hashtag and having exposure there can get you recognized by other people who frequent it as well.
I admit i'm a bit of a hypocrite when it comes to consistency as the things I like are all over the place and wildly different to each other, for exampling posting alex jones memes and then writing an article on how to be an effective debater sends people mixed signals, while they make like some of the things you post, they will never like ALL of the things you post all the time, but there is one more thing to do, and it's the most important one.
You have to enjoy being here.
Money or no money, i love being on Steemit, it gives me a creative outlet online that i can get my content and ideas out there, iv'e tried it on other sites like Wordpress and Facebook but it doesn't come close to Steemit, every time i want to look into something or want just want to browse while i'm doing something else, there is always something there, from Philosophy and memes to Gaming and food.
If you don't enjoy being here and treat it as a job your passion will die out rather quickly and it will eventually show, remember this isn't a get rich quick scheme this is meant to be a new social media platform for getting your content out into the world and having people see it, if you love what you're doing you will keep coming back to it, if you only came here with dollar signs in your eyes you're just gonna disappoint yourself in the long run.
insightful and true. invest in the community and they will invest in you!
Dude, sah.
Haha thanks for the comment alain.
Pleasure my guy! thanks for the quality content :) suh my guy
Thanks for the great advice! You made some good points. So far I've enjoyed being on here. I joined about 2 weeks ago.
Hope you're enjoying the platform as much as me, thanks for reading the article :) before you know it it'll be a month then a year!
I think you make a lof of sense. Developing a following, by interacting with others, always makes sense. Whether it's here on Steemit or anywhere else that you are trying to develop something. You'll never get your point out to the world without having a group of people who are supporting you and acting as a sounding board/cheerleaders.
I appreciate the work you put into helping us newbies grow into productive Steemians by trying to help us steer clear of the potholes in the road to success.
Thanks a lot john, iv'e only been here a month myself but i can already see the pitfalls that a lot of new users fall into, it's about perseverance and staying true to what you're trying to accomplish.
Anyone can just make a bunch of buzzfeed type articles, but it takes real creativity to come to steemit and post what you want to post about regardless of the outcome.
Thanks for comment john :)
Upvoted, lets not do this for the money though, enjoy what you do and the money will follow. Slowly but surely, much love!
Thanks bubke! for real though, you have to love what you do and i've always loved writing so it's a perfect fit for me.
Great post... like the way you put all the pieces of puzzle together for us. You have magnificent insight.

social media site, so let's be social.Solid common sense, @cryptokrieg! As you say, this is a
And may I reserve a special place in Steemit Hades for those comment spammers who say "Wow! Great post! Upvoted! Follow me!" Then I check - because blockchain - and they haven't upvoted.
I actually had one on my last post do that "Thanks upvoted and followed!" and didn't upvote or follow lol, perfect way to be ignored.
And this is a social media site, i think people have forgotten what social media platforms were originally, i remember just have 200 friends on myspace was a crowning achievement for me, and then Facebook, now i couldn't even tell you how many people i have on Facebook haha.
Thanks kili!
I try to do all of this but instead of saving my best content I throw it out all together now. Although some don't turn out well others find some sort of success and I can really form some interesting discussions with some users on this platform even though I may not get a lot of views or replies.
That is true, but you have to ask yourself this, is your content worth more than it's getting? that's the question I ask myself everyday, I have a lot of content stored that i'll post once i have a higher follower base, not just solely because of the money but they took me a lot of time to create and author.
I wrote an article about valuing yourself worth, and that's what I try to :)
Thanks for the comment arckrai, keep it up man you'll get those followers soon enough.
Very solid advice. Every new Steemian should embed this advice into their blogging. Definitely gained more understanding and patience with the site :0).
Thanks lhill! it takes time but you eventually get the hang of it, you can't put a price on patience, if everyone could join and the day after make $100 a day this site wouldn't be what it is.
You made some really good points ! It's definitely hard to get noticed. But we have to work on building connections which will in the long run help you get noticed. I spend hours to produce a single article put since I'm here not only for the money, I find myself having a really good time on steemit. I might even say that I'm addicted to this platform. I spend like 10 hours a day on steemit :D
It is strangely addictive isn't it haha, i spend a lot of time on steemit as well at the moment trying to actively boost my following base.
Thanks for the comment trendo! don't worry you're only one article away from going viral remember :P
Oh yeah it's super addictive... We are going viral mate ! :P
Any day now >_> haha
I did not realise about the palgiarism i made 3 to 4 post which were copied from some website
Now i have come to know about palgiarism and your post helps alot
Plagiarism is in the eye of the beholder really, unless it's word for word and just a repost it's blatant plagiarism, but if you simply made an article that's similar to someone elses without meaning to, it doesn't really constitute plagiarism.
Thanks for the comment haunted :)!
this is super helpful. one of the user advice to do the same for me.. as I spend so much time creating contents but there is no one viewing.. Thanks for sharing.. :)
Thanks Abur :) hopefully my guide can give you a little insight into how to navigate steemit.
Yeah i did pretty much just that, jumped the shark instead of building a base, cheers bloke!
Maaate, never jump the shark, even if you make them for a living, should come over this sunday and chill.
I've actually been thinking along very similar lines to what you're talking about. Especially with the whole holding off on publishing some of the better posts I'm wanting to do until I get a bigger following. I'm not expecting to get rich on here, but I don't want to sell myself short either. Plus, I've never used any type of html or markdown so I'm still trying to learn formatting and stuff. Just seems to make sense to wait to publish some of your best work once you're a bit more established on the platform and familiar with the formatting and what looks good and gets noticed by your followers. Good post. It's obvious you put quite a bit of thought into it.
Thanks mogarden, didn't see this post!
Thank you so much for this article and the clear guidance that you have given I will be working on increasing my following. And I say to you greetings new Steemian friend @cryptokrieg. I will be upvoting following and resteeming this post to pay it forward .
Thanks Rensoul!