Someone pretending to be me on Steemit

in #blog3 years ago


This is not me. I have been informed that this account is active. This is not my account so I kindly ask everybody not to interact with it expecting to be me. I am not sure if this can be shut down and I see that this person has posted for almost a year collecting rewards with my content. It is sad that human beings do this kind of gestures.

I wish for all of the rewards collected by this individual to be sent to charity. But sadly I am sure this can't be done. Why content plagiarism and impersonation are an option? This shows that there is still a lot of work to do for humanity. I am disappointed to see this...

I am loyal to Hive to the bone and this is the only platform where you can interact with me and my writing.

I wish for a better world, where people feel confident enough about their own talents so the need for plagiarism, envy, malice and theft no longer exists.


Unfortunately new users on HIVE and SteemIt need to create accounts on both platforms to avoid name squatters and potential identity theft.

You probably should contact @hivewatchers #hivewatchers . They might have resources to help dv the bad account. STEEMD says that this has been going on for 19 moons:

Hiveblocks says your HIVE accounts is 23 moons old

Hi! I have created my account on Hive only, I never was on the old Steem site. So whoever has been doing this saw my account on Hive and decided I am a great content supplier in order for them to copy paste. It is sad. I also saw that people interact with this scammer and that they are pretty successful on Steemit. Sad. I hope someone closes that account.

thank you for your help and support!

I began on Steemit, and have since moved to Hive via Peakd as my dApp, but both of my accounts are "linked" where my former Steemit posts are also seen below all of my Hive content(that's all I use now). Are you saying I need to make a separate Hive account as well to avoid something like this?

You joined SteemIt before the hard fork. The hard fork was a copy of the SteemIt database.

PeakD shows posts from the HIVE blockchain. All of your PeakD posts are on

A huge portion of the install base has accounts on both platforms.

The problem is that people who join SteemIt or HIVE after the hard fork don't have accounts on both platforms. So, if you created a good HIVE account, an imposter could claim the STEEM account and trade on your reputation ... and visa versa.

If you have not changed the password on your account since the hardfork, you probably should. You should also change the recovery account on your HIVE account.

BTW, you have an account on the Blurt hard fork.

The password to your blurt wallet is the password that you had at steemit at the time of the hard fork


Okay thank you for clearing that up for me.
I honestly didn't even know about Blurt until just now when you mentioned it.
I'll have to check it out.

When you say change my password since the hard fork do you mean for Hive or Steemit?
Also, are you talking about assigning new keys or like a shorthand password?

Noooo 😲😲😲😲😶😶 ... a year now ??? 😤 is shocking how can plagiarism happen for so long and not get noticed

Steemit became a rotten bog... nobody (almost) take care of the content, really... just farm the rewards; tho I must admit, #WorldofXpilar community (where this thief was active participating) is to some extension a better channel than others...

I have heard bad things about Steem when I joined Hive. So this plagiarism that happened confirmed me that the rumours are true.

if it have been a year there up .... then I'm sure some big users know this long time it is up there :(

A year is a lot. I refuse to look at that account anymore reading all the comments and posts they have made....just irritates me and I have to just let it go and hope someone deletes that account, maybe finding out who is behind it. Anyway I will continue to create on Hive and not let this affect me.

Mary, I totally understand you. Once, decades ago, I was irritated in about the same way just once, when I found my russian translation of a huge article (the job took 5-6 weeks of my lifetime!) was republished to other site without giving a fuck, milking all the gratitude. just one case! and having this multiplied for year? I cant imagine the size of your frustration.

the only good thing in this mess, I guess, is that you dont feel alone crying in a desert, but a lot of folks will stand in your corner of a ring.

So this has happened to you too. This is why you understand me so well. I was frustrated, sad and upset at first. After a short while I calmed down and realized that in the end the scammer will be exposed and their posts will not receive rewards. They have earned quite a few money pretending to be me for a year but I am sure that the Universe will take care of those profits.

I have seen now how united Hive members can be and how there will be people behind me. I am so grateful and it felt so soothing to have a community stand behind you. I thank everybody and I am feeling better already. It is not worth it to waste our energy thinking about their injustice, what is done is done.

Have a great day🤗

a warm thank you back.

and yeah, Universe has such a quality.

Yes ... not stop and hold mind strong, what more start see it it soon must go close .

My mind is strong and no problems will make me focus less on Hive. This is only a scammer who will receive from the Universe what they have put out: fraud and lies.

this.... not again :( :( :(

I've sent you a message on Facebook. If you can reply and give me the thumbs up please, I'll get it done ☠️

Hey! I have seen it and replied! And I truly hope somebody can do something about it, for this plagiarism to stop. Thanks again so much🤗🤗

thank you, Sir. 🙏

I put a comment on the SteemIt Creative Mary. If you desire, I will start downvoting the SteemIt account.

I also made a silly poster for the imposter showing that the copycat account is using images from your account. The account seems to be copying your images and not just squatting the name.


Thank you! Please inform the people from there about the fraud, collecting money for almost a year pretending to be someone else is not ok.

Oh shit that sucks! It happened to me vis versa when I joined Hive a year ago. I had a Steemit account for 1 month and switching to Hive I saw someone using my stuff from Steemit here. Luckily not a lot of stuff since I was new but still I felt exposed. It got handled though. How did you know?

I never had an account on Steemit and I only posted on Hive. Someone has sent me a message and this is how I have found out. It is sad when people do that and they get away with it for months, even years, earning by fraud

Sucks bad, that's for sure. No idea what one can do. Maybe you should watermark your current pics with Fuck Steemit ;). I should watermark mine as well, shouldn't I? Dang.

Hahahaha what a creative idea lol. It doesn't deserve the attention, I'd rather spend my energy on Hive and other creative things than fighting scammers who do not have ethics.

Fair enough. Karma will get them ;)

Ooo yes , she never missed once. I strongly believe in all of the laws of the Universe. This is why I choose to remain calm.

Yah, that's prob the best. Good for you that you are able too. I freaked a bit back in the day lol. But maybe because it was my first time. If the one who sent it to you has a Steemit account he may can comment that it's plagiarized.

watermark your current pics with Fuck Steemit

haha. that would be not too politically correct... but definitely creative move :D


Lol thx :).

There are a few of us that people over there steal our POSTS from here and post them there. They usually go after someone who has been paid well, so they believe they will be paid well over there.

I have reported them over there and they take care of it. Most of us were on Steemit first and @steemchiller is still there. Really nice guy and he helped me out. Just go to your post and mention his name with @ Let me know if that works for you.

Hi, if you see any active posts whose content is plagiarized, just tag me and I will leave some downvotes. I don't have the time to check if their currently active posts are also copied from somewhere.

So the best way would be to mention me in a comment when you see still active, copied content. I will also give an upvote for each detected case ;)

It is unfortunate and I have seen that they have blacklisted that account as they have been exposed. I am grateful that I was informed about it and that action has been taken. Plagiarism is wrong, very wrong

This is really sad and crazy

Yes it is. I have received messages from Hive members telling me that it is possible to have that account blacklisted and muted. I hope someone takes action as I have made this post in order to expose the scammer

I think an action has already been taken

That is great!

This is the second time I've heard of this happening. Real sorry you're on the receiving end and I hope it goes away.

Yes it is disappointing to see that this has been happening for almost a year. Hopefully something can be done

I wonder how often this happens and in how many cases people don't even realize... Other people already said it, but you could try getting in touch with @hivewatchers.

I had no idea until someone was kind enough to inform me. Sadly I saw that people truly believed it was me, commenting and interacting quite often with the scammer

For a year?! Truly, human stupidity is infinite... what a pity that there is no way to close the account. But what can be done? Because this person is going to keep on doing it. Wouldn't there be a way to talk to a moderator to report this situation? So that at least he doesn't continue to receive rewards with your content.

It is indeed a very long time. I have no account there so the only thing it was in my power to do I did: letting people from Hive know.

I do have a Steemit account, which I don't use anymore and only logged in after a long time to see the imposter and if they had done anything about it. The truth is that it's scary the way he defends that it's you, I've seen the comments and he's already been blacklisted, thank goodness. It seems to me that he is someone who, in addition to having no scruples, is deeply obsessed with you, that's not good, be careful. He keeps insisting that they "make a mistake".

Wow wow really? This is indeed scary, like they almost want to believe their own lies. It gives me shivers. I am glad that they blacklisted it! Thanks so much for all of the support and information, I hope this will no longer bother me

Please tell me whose page is this?

This is mine, it is attached to my profile, the account on Steemit is a fraud, I am only on

that scammer links to this page too, perhaps he acts everywhere on your behalf

WOW I hope they delete their account from Steemit

she did not deleted it, just powered up everything, 629 tokens - and delegated to the @tipu service, to have the passive income. probably we will not see her blogging from that acc anymore.

Oh I see. Well at least this issue has been solved and I am happy about it. Thank you for all the support🤗

only the owner can delete the entry ... but this person has been marked as a plagiarist

Good! Spread the word so that everybody knows. I am only on and the scammer must be exposed . Thank you!

Everything secret becomes clear over time.

Geeze. That's very unfortunate. Sorry to hear that this happened to you. The steemit site is just garbage now. It doesn't surprise me really

Ahh the thing that surprised me the most is the fact that this has been happening for almost a year....that is a lot of time to earn undeserved rewards...

Yeah. That's a very long time indeed

Yes....I was thinking today...If this person is doing this because they are poor and need the money....then at least my content can feed some hungry mouths...In an ideal land, this would make me have compassion for this scammer. How sad they must be to get so low for money isn't it so?....

It's always disgusting when people do this. You've tried complaining to the Steemit admins? It used to have pretty strict rules regarding plagiarism before.

I never owned a Steem account in the first place. So I refuse to create an account on a platform in order to complain about their own inability to fight plagiarism. This account has been doing this for a year.....a year! I find it awfully sad.

Steemit admins? it is decentralised, you know. < / sarcasm> I wrote a few messages to support and tech emails back in 2021, receiving -- surprise! -- a zero feedback.

This is very strange my dear, I can't believe someone can go to this level. This is really crazy. When did you get to know about this?

It is very strange and scary! Someone from Hive informed me about this , I can't believe this fraud account on Steemit is collecting rewards for more than a year

Sorry to read this is happened to you. @hetty-rowan's alt was also stolen on Steemit and she has been locked out of her alt account there. But in her case her keys were stolen on Steemit, and in your case someone has created an account on Steemit as if it were you, right?

Pretty shitty though, especially because they've been successful collecting rewards for a year :s

Yes, they created an account. I never was on steem , I only used Hive. This person has been doing this for a year and it is not fair and moral, I hope that someone with authority on Steemit finds out and takes the right action.

With everything that went down there at the time of the fork, I doubt it to be honest. :(
On the other hand, there seems to be some action on Steem regarding the fake acount:

they seem to be deleting things now. So there's hope :)

I have heard about the fork and the previous Steem. I was more than happy that I was not a part of it as I joined and discovered blockchain when Hive was created. A perfect timing mastered by the Universe. I am confident that this will be solved, karma always visits everybody, scammers too.

Oh, for some reason I thought you've been on this chain in forever, didn't realize you joined soon after Hive was created. Good timing :)

Yeah, that chain is pretty much abandoned, I bet there are a lot of Hive copies on there.

Hey! Haha I also feel like I am with Hive since forever, I joined exactly when Hive was born lol. I never was part of Steem and I am so glad for that. I saw that this fake account is successful there, collecting rewards and comments. They do not speak good english in the comments, I so would wish I would be a hacker now and track that IP and see from where is this scammer having fun. No matter if they are a poor student wanting to pay college or feed their family, it is still wrong to steal content and get money for it.

I logged in to have a look at this fake account...Looks like quite a few posting here on Hive are engaging with this scammer in the comments over there. Interesting.

Oh yes G., they are prolific. Quite a few is an understatement, they have been doing this for a year. If you look in the comments his or her english are not very good....I am amazed that people interact with this account...I can only hope it gets closed as they are collecting some good rewards...

Probably won't get closed.

Bad karma for whoever is behind this

Maybe, I prefer to administer a more direct and hand-on method of retribution, but that's just me. I guess in this case impossible as no one will even know who that user is.

If it would be in my power to delete their account I would. But as you have said there is little we can do

Looks like you have a secret admirer who bis obsessed with you, it's so freakin creepy. Sadly I doubt anyone would care on Steemit. Fact of life unfortunately

It is creepy. Because they have been doing this for a year. And they are active and engaging with others with a false identity. I think this person is sad. Really sad. And for his own good someone should close that account so he could figure out what he really wants to do with his life other than stealing content for money...Only God can judge but I sure hope that justice will be made.

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as it shows that it is not you