Day 126: Heat

in #blog7 years ago

Hi again everyone!

I almost forgot to write this- I've had a really long day working for my dad's friend, and spent most of the afternoon exhausted. This will be a shorter post, but basically, I'll be talking about my heat problem.

I've never been a fan of warm temperatures (no pun intended). A comfortable room temperature for me is between 16 and 22C- much hotter and I start to feel drained. This is even more true when sleeping- a good temperature is 14-18, though of course, that's the ambient temperature, ignoring blankets and the like. I'm not sure why exactly this is, but it's sorta always been the case for me. It's been a joke in the house for a while- my brother kept his room around 25-30, and I kept mine at 16-20, so we always joked about being the Heat Miser and Snow Miser.

Unfortunately, I think liking the cold is the worse option of the two. Heating up is easy- just put on another article of clothing, like a coat, or do a bit of exercise. Staying cold, on the other hand, requires the removal of clothes, which can only be done to a certain extent (technically, there's a limit on what you can legally remove, and a limit on what you can physically remove, but I prefer not to cross either). I'm fairly sure cooling a room by a set amount takes more energy than heating it by the same amount too, so that's not very good.

Perhaps one of the biggest problems is climate. There aren't many places with temperatures that never exceed 25 degrees- and if there are, they tend to be very snowy, or uninhabited. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to live on an isolated mountain with a bunch of yaks, but that's not very viable. The weather where I live now is usually okay, but working outside today was absolute torture- just a few hours in and I was completely drained, and sightly headachey, and it was only 25 out, supposedly.

Anyways, that's gonna be it for today- hopefully you enjoyed this post! If you have any suggestions for ways to cope with heat (or better yet, start to enjoy it), feel free to leave them in the replies


Maybe carry around a bag of ice or something? xD