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RE: Teach Your Children About The World, Not Just From A Book.

in #blog8 years ago

100% agree with you - reading about a place is great, but it is even better to fully experience it through travel. We are perpetual travelers (4 years now) and the kids have been able to experience various places and cultures. It's eye opening and deeply enriching. If it were me (and btw, I have been through a similar situation of being challenged for homeschooling) I would politely challenge the Swedish government to provide valid evidence that you are denying your children education. Valid evidence. They (governments) like to make statements to make you believe they have authority or evidence, but governments rarely site evidence. Why? Because they don't have any. They have codes and statutes, but that is not evidence - tho they will try to convince you that it is. Please keep blogging about this situation and your homeschool travels. The world needs to hear about it. Thank you for sharing! Great post! :-)


Brilliant another homeschooling/traveling family, I just wrote this to @saturnme, who has also been doing this for 4yrs, have a read and let me know you thoughts :)

I'm so glad to meet other families that are traveling and home educating there children. Have heard from friends that do the same that when the children get to about 12 that they say OK enough is enough I want to stay in one place and be with my friends. I was interested to see how old your children are and if you have seen any signs that they want to start settling down?
We often ask our children what they want, and they always want to keep on traveling :)

Yes I am very into statutes, legalese and all the tricks governments play to make us think we have to comply with their stupid Maritime laws that they have adapted to the land,
I am an avid freeman, but knowing all this doesn't seem to carry any weight over here, people in Sweden have concept of "governed but consent" and that we can say no.
Over here the law is the law,
Thanks for reaching out to us :)
Following :)