Follow Up to I Lost my Job - Mixed Emotions & More Wrong Doing by the "Medical Community"

in #blog7 years ago

Earlier this week, I posted regarding the loss of my job. At the time, it was right after the event had occurred and I was, needless to say very emotionally charged.

For the "TLDR" folks, in a nutshell, I worked for a company for 5 years in two different locations. One place good regional and on site managers, one bad. The latter 2 years being "bad."

Loyalty doesn't mean anything to these corporate whores. If I'm not valuable to you, guess what, I'm DONE! I held out for a long time.

The ultimate straw was the one thing that was supposed to help me, my intermittent FMLA "benefit." You were required to call out 4 hours in advance of your shift.

I was always super diligent, blah, blah, blah, one slip up and was an hour behind letting them know that I needed to make use of my benefit. It's for episodic flareups of PTSD. I'm also bipolar which doesn't help.

The one slip up resulted in a very rude email from HR "we will need a doctor's note for your extenuating ciurcumstance, upon your arrival to work tomorrow."

Let me tell you, and I have plenty of colleagues who can back me up.....My manager was a very cowardly person. Non confrontational to a fault, would do things behind your back to fuck you, then tell you something different to your face. Or she'd lie about stuff or flat out omit important information.

I know the HR person. She didn't care. My boss wanted to make some big deal out of this for whatever reason, so made HR concoct this. Which was strange, we had a low caseload, even in my worst of times I try to be there for my patients. I was also the most productive person there, honestly.

It would be impossible for me to comply to their demands because guess what - my "doctor" doesn't work weekends and she is a specialist. It's a 2-3 month wait if you are coming on as a new patient. As an established one there isn't much wiggle room either.

I have been told by multiple people with HR experience that this was wrong, etc etc as HR already had my information regarding my health condition.

Well, fortunately for me, my profession as a Physical Therapist Assistant is a sought after one. I was in talks with a company I previously worked for within two days. I now have a start date of 9/11/2017 with better pay! Yay. However...


I just have to tell you. Being a mentally ill individual seems to be quite frowned upon by mainstream society and even "caring doctors." In PT, I have always felt a huge component of my success with my patients was psycho - social and have been told that before by co workers. It's a crucial skill that some are better at than others.

Today I go for a pre- employment screening. Medical tech - oh you have PTSD - are you a vet? Why no.... doctor same question. Next, "you sure take a lot of meds for you condition." (I don't) Though she states it as if, I just go to the convenience store and buy them, eating them like fucking skittles. I got defensive a bit quickly. I told her I've been non stop employed my entire working life and a licensed professional for five years.

Then she gets into have I ever been institutionalized, attempted suicide, had or experienced suicidal ideation, or auditory/ visual hallucinations. No was the answer to all those in truth. (Years ago in EXTREME stress, I did experience auditory hallucinations, but that was irrelevant & she already had "TMI" if you ask me.)

She then had the gall to ask me if I knew what a hallucination was!??? I was like yes, I've only been dealing with mental health problems for over a decade.

It was re re-traumatizing to me. Just as the threatening, and impossible email I had gotten earlier this week.

I don't have a ton of savings, my partner isn't a source to rely on and I wouldn't anyway. I have a lot of student debt. So I MUST have a job. I'm thinking, what an ignorant damn doctor you are. She must've caught on because she said she'd talk to my shrink about the meds I'm on..... because she for some reason doesn't believe me. I don't get it. AGAIN, I CAN'T just get a magical appointment with her. And I told the "doctor " that. Told her I'd never been through such an invasive "physical."

She then back peddles and tells me it's no "big deal." Like, okay.... I am more than capable of handling my job. I got 5 years of proof.

I'm actually relatively calm believe it or not, just like pretty freaking depressed and low feeling. Twice in one week treated like garbage.

PS. I wasn't fired from my job. I resigned. I was not going to give them that satisfaction. Though, maybe I should've. Better grounds to sue. Ugh. That's not me though. I have too high opinion of myself to be subverted to being fired. I've never been fired. And this BS wasn't gonna be my first. I alerted my closest colleagues to the truth. Most of these people have their foot out the door because this poor excuse for a manager has treated them similarly. It was nice to have some "behind the scenes" comraderie.

I'm still worried about income. I do have the start date but if this psychiatrist drags her ass it could put me behind.

So anyway, just wanted to update you all. Here's some pictures of me at my physical BEFORE the interrogation. But after getting shots. They gave me a sticker. And, I got to wear some pretty sexy shorts. Lol.




Keep wishing me well folks. And whoever has my voodoo doll, just stop. Thanx! =)


Sounds like things are working out for you. Glad for your new opportunity.

Good luck!

Yeah, thank you, just sick of how the medical community handles certain things

I can't believe it's actually legal to ask questions like that...that's shocking.

Yeah i know

Hey hit me up if you want
I think you would find a nice home here and here

I do reiki and Id like to help you out if you would wish. I want to sya that this needed to happen and you will be better off in the long run

I would have to agree with you. I'm sad and dysthymic about it but it was something I actually needed to do last fall but I was afraid of change. :/
I openly admit that
I hit up that discord. Thx for the invite @sinned

good post likee it!!!?