A Word About Golf Courses

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

I believe that golf courses are specifically related to the cover-up of mound sites.

Why would I believe that?

When I received this map, I started looking up information on the different places shown on the map. I noticed Jekyll Island had a yellow triangle next to it, indicating the presence of an earthen pyramid/mound complex.

Washitaw Empire.jpg

Washitaw Map B.jpg

When I looked up Jekyll Island Mounds, this is what came up:

Jekyll Island 3.jpg

Jekyll Island 1.jpg

Jekyll Island has an interesting history of interest in it by the very wealthy. Even now it is owned by the State of Georgia and run by a self-sustaining, self-governing body. It became a retreat for the very wealthy in the late 1800s, and early 1900s, and was the place where the Federal Reserve System was created in 1910.

Jekyll Island 2.jpg

Jekyll Island 4.jpg

I believe mound sites like this have a very special significance in the ancient advanced civilization. Considering that golf is a sport associated with the wealthy and powerful, it would stand to reason that they would re-work these sites for their own purposes, like carving out sand-traps from the mounds of the Ancient Ones. I believe they do this to continue to show dominance over the ancient civilization. I don't know if all know the truth, but some certainly do. Especially in the upper degrees of Freemasonry, and other elite groups. And members of these groups are in government, and throughout society. They know the truth. And they do everything they can to demean the people they secretly worship. It sounds crazy, but I believe this is true. They have stolen the legacy of human beings of higher consciousness, and pretend to be them while marginalizing and brutalizing them in the worst way.

Parade Shriners.jpg

Pope with Black Madonna.jpg

If you are new to this information, and have a hard time with this belief, here's another powerful example - the Newark Earthworks in Ohio. Newark is a very special place on the planet. As you can see in the one slide, it is located on a Golden Ratio Longitude on the planet, along with other sites, like Poverty Point in Louisiana, and Chavin and Pachacamac in Peru, and Tiwanaku in Bolivia.

Newark 1.jpg

You have the same precise geometry and archeoastronomy in earthworks like these in North America that you have in other countries. As a matter of fact, Carl Munck says in his video on "The Code" that there is a correlation between Stonehenge and Newark.

Newark 4.jpg

So, building a golf course on to the Newark Earthworks is like building a golf course on Stonehenge. But they did. These earthworks come into play on eleven of the holes.

Newark 5.jpg

Newark 3.jpg

Since the historical narrative that we are taught leaves out the true history, known only to a few, no one knows about the abuses that have occurred and still occur. And I will definitely be blogging more about that.

If you are new to my blog, this video of mine explains the background and context of what I am sharing - "Physical Evidence for the Layout of a Planetary Grid System...and a Suppressed Global Civilization:


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