Vlog #1 in English - Why FU*K YouTube | Feelings

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

Bullying and Harassment according to YT:
"SPAM" was my explanation why I'm not playing an audio in this video and that the actual video you can find on DTube which is this one:

I am tired of all this bullshit...
My 1st DTube video:
Direct DTube link:

Did I mentioned that #FuckYouTube ?

I'm doing what I can to brink as many people and content creators who will bring their eyes to make this site - steemit - grow. I am putting all that work and for what... Working even 18h, 20h straight... Not sleeping just to make content and bring people over. And for what?
I wish that there were like "whales" who reword people from my country - Poland. You have no idea how much I did and still dong to this platform and all I get is a fucking SLAP to my face. Because when you are masturbating over the Steem logo or Bitcoin, you are rewarded but when you make content that make people laugh, entertain them, bring them to this platform, when you are talking about this platform OUTSIDE not INSIDE... You get nothing....

▶️ DTube

You are right on all matters

FREEDOM of SPEECH! The internet was created for the free expression of thoughts and freedom to create... We have a new home! Carry on brother...

All huge platforms like YT, FB and others who have content from users, have the same problem.
I mean all huge platforms making money from ad’s - steemit and others are not in this group.
The problem is content - piracy, porn, racism, plagiarism, „cancer-content” and many more.
Companies with big money buying ad’s say to XYZ „We don’t buy ad’s because we don’t like this content and this, and also this”, so this or other company start censorship for money and stats.
Because videos on YT are so many, bots must check this content.
And thats the reason why are so many mistakes - it’s not AI … yet hehe.
Let’s think about it - YouTube from start to now don’t bring enough money for Google to pay one’s way.
Other case are stupid users who flagged videos without any reason - for fun.
And also employees who just „clicks” without any reflection „demonetized this, and this… ou coffee time”.

So in my opinion You making good job, censored version of own videos on YT, bringing people to Steemit (not only from YT).

And I’m proud of You like this father who watched You doing "good job" his wife hehe just kidding.
Be huge and upvote with You… Or something like this (:

The problem is that what's the point of those people working there? They do not care abut the context the do not care, that they gave the power to remove content to people who are spreading their actual hate and flag for fun and because someone have something and they don't. Those people are incompetent and should not work there.

I agree with You, but IMO it's only part of the problem on YT (and other platforms).
I think we should do own work the best as we can.
And if we have possibility to change this we should too.
But most of us haven't - we haven't friends/family/lover working in YT/Google.

Po jakiego grzyba piszesz do polaka po angielsku?Chyba nigdy tego nie skumam.A ten Ci po angielsku odpisuje :)

Już tłumaczę (: i spodziewałem się tego typu komentarza.
Film jest w języku Angielskim, co za tym idzie jest on skierowany do anglojęzycznej widowni.
Pomyślałem zatem, że skomentuje tak, aby być zrozumiałym dla większego grona odbiorców. Wiem, że mój poziom Angielskiego nie jest wysoki, ale starałem się napisać zrozumiale.
Poza tym więcej Polaków zrozumie Angielski niż obcokrajowców Polski.

No i jest co trzeba. Wolne słowo się poszerza. Aż miło patrzeć na to wszystko. Wygląda to to jak pierwsze internety, wolność bez wodotrysków i tylko wysublimowane osobistości :)

fuck youtube is the only thing we agree on :D

Ad revenue = censorship. YouTube is a santitized online mall. Freedom of speech is repressed in favor of an estrogen filled consumption based version of reality that offends no one, promotes consumption behavior and bows to advertisers. At some point the matrix will crash in favor of reality and by then platforms closer to freedom of expression will supplant repressive platforms. The problem is that D.Tube by name and by business model will follow YouTube's path or die as advertisers will demand the same kind of censorship found on YouTube. That is why cryptocurrency is so crucial. The system is scared of cryptocurrency because it breaks the power structure and allows people to trade in something other than legal tender. The arrogance that crypto currency, a made up thing, not legal tender, an idea really, made up of pure code, and attributed value by some people is subject to taxation is pure arrogance on the part of government. Arrogant tyranny on your tax farm or mine is simply not acceptable and illogical, unsustainable and will be replaced accordingly. Kill the parasite by not feeding it. Time will tell if D.Tube matters at all.

If you want to get baned for telling the true or some reasons that doesnt make sense youtube is the place for you. Fuck that pathetic platform. Keep the good work Carrioner. Peace

Im happy because your accent is understandable and I understand everything :)

I nothing ukrywam because I zbieram for kebab

acipupu youtube ...MEE

Elegancko !

Jakiś jełop cię wyzywa i ty za to dostajesz flagę bo to przecież hate speech, a jakaiś rak który nagrywa poka sowe albo menele magikarpie co chleją z matka nic nie dostaną bo robią family friendly kontent. Uroki safe space tube. Pozdro carrio spoko filmik.

youtube is a place for children where evry one need to be love an d-tube ,D-live and steemit is something seriouse

Właśnie przeniosłem się na DTube <3

I more like dlive and d.tube its better
I like freedom of speech becouse i dont like be cenosored

I couldn't agree more @carrioner. Fuck YouTube!!

I don't fully agree with every creator on Dtube - but every creator on Dtube that isn't physically harming others in the videos deserves to exist online, totally regardless of their views. FUCK YouTube!! lol and check out my channel.

bitcoin going up, bitcoin going down and now goes up again memeemmeeemm me!

But seriously just look at yt trending category and you are so close to puke

Fuck Yea !

I'm happy to see that i'm not the only one that was affected by YouTube polices that didn't make sense.

Marcel Leadbetter thought he was a log truck LOL

The modern society with its stupidities...

I wholeheartedly concur

They are like the music industry back in the early days where the industry made the bulk of the money and the artist only got a few cents on the dollar. It still is kind of this way today. The little guys suffer in all of this.

Seriously, jewtube keeps getting worse..
They are censoring everyone, who is politically incorrect, even youtubers that have almost 1.2M subs (Paul Joseph Watson), demonitizing, deleting and censoring almost every video.

i'm your youtube old viewer and i did understand everything. i have to siad that you have in my opinion good pronunciations because i'm not sharpest tool in the shed moreover my English isn't best