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RE: Our Children Are Becoming Electrified Zombies.

in #blog7 years ago

But why?

Everyone is so focused on blaming parents or the children as if to think that they have any control at all.

Our society has been manipulated to bring us to this point in time. Free will is an illusion for the most part.


We have a lot more control than that. Parents just need to take charge. They are the moral authorities in their children's lives and need to step up into that role. There's nobody forcing them to let their kids do whatever they like whenever they like.

Manipulation? Explain that, please? I still have and use my free will. If I still got my free will, then why don't others have it? A lot of people follow the newest "trends", but it's the parents and/or children's own choice (FREE WILL!) to follow this trend!

We have taken full control of ours and our children's lives, there is a way to have free will and be free, you just have to say no to the system and create your own. We did it :)