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RE: Triathlon: Attackers attempt to saw off athlete's legs

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

BULLSHIT! Just can't integrate into your brain that JAPAN HAD 2 NUCLEAR BOMBs Dropped on it in 1945 & today has rebuilt their country.

Yet despite thousands of years BEFORE THE WHITE MAN showed up - AND ALL THE DECADES SINCE THE WHITE MAN & HIS COLONIES LEFT & ALL THE Never Ending Trillions upon Trillions Of Dollar in Aid- Blacks in Africa- Still Have nothing. Truth is Even When The White Man Builds a Civilization & hands it to the Blacks on a silver platter- it still goes to shit?

why? Beacuse Blacks are too low IQ to sustain a Civilization- let alone create one.

PLUS there is NO EPIDEMIC of White Men Raping babies In America- but there is an Epidemic of Blacks in Africa raping babies. How is it the White mans fault- that NIGGERS in AFRICA Rape BABIES Because they think it will cure them of Aids?

You don't know me & you don't know what I've contributed. My ass is not fat- which- you being a NIGGER & NIGGERS Love fat asses- might disappoint you.

You also do not have any idea how many fucking NIGGER WHORES- have tried to DUMP their Little NIGGER KIDS on me & my White ASS to watch- while they went out to go suck some nigger dick at the club. Which yes- has happened. Yet another why I hate Niggers. And One of the reasons why I stopped Renting apartments/ Homes to Niggers.

Not all blacks are Niggers- Just MOST.

How is it the White Man's Fault that Three Niggers in Africa tried to Saw off an Athletes legs with a DULL Chainsaw. And I repeat- when was the last time you heard about 3 white men trying to saw off another mans legs?

Also FUCKER- I am specifically mentioning AMERICA. AMERICA did not COLONIZE AFRICA or India.

Dumb fucking Nigger. You state you have no desire to live in a white mans land. I see your page says you're in West Point NG- is that a naval base in Louisiana? What's stopping you- Leave. get the fuck out my country asshole. Take some more niggers with you when you leave.