Ghost Hunters and a Double Rainbow

in #blog6 years ago

It never ceases to amaze me how many different things my kids are interested in. I'm sure I was the same way but when you are a kid you don't really think, you just act.

Yesterday we were watching Ghost Adventures on Hulu (which is cool/funny if you like ghost hunting shows) and when we finished one of the kids asked if we could go ghost hunting in the barn. Hell yeah we can go ghost hunting in the barn! I rarely say no to going outside with my kids as long as the weather is agreeable.

So we grab my cell phone so we can record some EVPs, which are just like whispers that you don't hear with your own ears but show up on recordings. I'm letting them do their thing asking questions to ghosts in a well-lit barn. Here's the thing with recording ghost voices. Apparently you are supposed to stop after every few questions and do a "live review" to see if you hear any voices.

After a half dozen or so "live reviews" the kids started being smart asses and while one was holding the phone and asking questions, the other two would take turns whispering answers. They were getting so pissed at each other. It was hilarious.

Once they started getting violent I had the genius idea to download a Ghost Detector app. We spent the next hour or so downloading and trying out about a dozen different ghost apps on my phone. Some of them were just beeping sounds telling you that you were getting close to a ghost, some were just blinking lights-- there was even one that would insert a ghostly apparition into the pictures you took.

They were all pretty dumb to a sophisticated guy like myself, but you could see in their eyes that the kids just thought they were all badass. In the end we didn't hear any ghost voices but it was a good time.

Then we walked out and it was just starting to sprinkle rain. It was one of those rains where it was sunny and raining at the same time. As soon as we stepped out of the barn to walk to the side porch we saw our first rainbow of the year, and it just happened to be a double!


Another good day.


No ghosts. Just rainbows!

Al least they didn't come away empty handed!