Someone has very deep pockets to be running this campaign.
And, if i could show that it was taxpayer money running it, then someone in govern-cement should be shot.
But really, the 1% are dual professional income families.
The ones that actually pay almost all the taxes in The USSA.
Because they are too small to do tax sheltering, too small to actually work campaign contributions, and too big to stay in a lower tax bracket.
Yes, this 1% was paying over 50% of the taxes, and probably more now.
So, i agree with you, this targeted campaign is really trying to get people upset. Too bad it is the FED, and all the people that suck from its teat, that are the ones causing all the problems. Which is about 0.01%.
The 1% is actually the group that makes all the innovations that we enjoy so much. Without them, we go back to the stone age.