in #blog6 years ago (edited)



What does it really mean to accelerate Africa’s industrialization?

Some million years ago, somewhere in West Africa lived one of the richest king who ruled a great empire. This man who is hardly known remains one of the richest man in history. Very few people would have been familiarized with Mansa Musa I of Mali, who ruled over the Malian empire in the 14th century. The beautiful thing about his wealth was the fact that, he wasn’t affluent for himself, but for Africa. He made Africa an enviable place; where master piece are delicately made, an Africa that held her shoulder high in international gatherings when it concerns matters such as business.

Comparing the reality of seven(7) centuries ago and today, anyone would have easily predicted that the foundation for business and wealth is laid in Africa, and Africa would keep growing in the already laid foundation. But unfortunately, the Africa we live in and know today extends her hand for food from those they once fed, and can’t even boast of living a past glory, because, there is absolutely nothing left to show for such. Countries she once breast fed shakes their head in pity when they get pictures and reports of how her people swim in the mud of destitute. Then, what comes to their mind? How can we help her? - Not in terms of business, but to pull the stronghold of poverty.
Then they send foodstuff and health personnel to help her. They never think that she has industries, of course, how would they? When she imports everything she consumes and hardly produces any. Even if she has, why do her people live in impoverished state? Do her businesses bloom at all? But are these records true? Africa have businesses, she build industries, there is individual and cooperate companies, and more than ever before, startups are rising daily to create a niche for themselves. But the vital question remains! If industries are expanding, why does Africa still occupy a back seat on the world ranking according to gross domestic product? Why has she not been able to tackle basic problems such as hunger? It is to this end that there is a focal need to begin to hasten the growth of Africa by expanding her businesses, help startups stand on their feet, and bring to limelight, business potentials that is yet untapped. If Africa should do this, then there is of great importance to align her with the greatest asset of 21st century- THE INTERNET OF THINGS.

Introducing the internet and how it can accelerate Africa’s industries.


Every age that had come and gone had something that defined them. It is a rock on which the foundation of the society at that time is built- Social, political and economic institutions. With the development of inter-linked computers and servers connected to eachother, it will make no greater effect to emphasize on what is the foundation for the 21st century. Apart from making the world connected, the internet also brought along digital products such as web applications, business applications, one button product purchase amongst others. With these products and more, the world will continue to revolve round the internet and industries are not excluded either.

According to Invesp, the estimated number of internet users as at 2018 is 42% of the world population, with about 20% from Africa. This translates that Africa is experiencing a very fast growth in internet usage, made easy by affordable smart phones and mobile data plans. With the internet making the world a global village, Africa is not left behind and as a matter of fact makes up half of the percentage of internet users.

Innovation and change of strategy is one of the most effective way to boost and grow Africa’s industrialization. With the evolution of internet, it has become obvious that one of the ways to accelerate industrialization is to connect to its novelty. The internet comes with a dawn of industrial revolution. It banks on digitalization, thereby, creating radical change in businesses. Below are some of the ways through which the internet can accelerate Africa’s industrialization;


Digital marketing:

Unlike traditional marketing, digital marketing is taking over, and changing the perception created around marketing. The impression created around marketing is, ‘walking from one end of a street to another and disturbing everyone you meet to buy what you have’; in as much as this is not entirely a lie, the current situation has changed as there is a remarkable transition in technology.
The ability to publicize brands and product online, use online resources such as the social media, website, blogs, info graphics, interactive tools, branding assets etcetera to boost sales and make customers, regardless of having a physical space or not is known as digital marketing.

Some of the advantages of digital marketing includes;

makes businesses visible to the world, elevate sales, gives room for expansion, facilitates interaction with targeted audience, provides better return on investment amongst others.

Customer relationship:

No business can thrive or survive without customer/client. How a business treats and satisfies their client determines to a major extent how fast they grow. The internet provides the tools to interact with customers better and more efficiently. In terms of review of products, feedbacks, know customer preferences and expectations, identify trends and helps make more informed decision about what part of marketing strategy deserve more attention and what part of sales cycle need refining. And also, it gives room for emotionally intelligibility.
Survey and feasibility: The right business decisions are based on strong market statistics. This is done through collaborative effort of examining reviews, feedbacks and surveys. An industry which will grow is one which is updated with happenings around the business world


It is mandatory that what defines an age is maximized for all round development of the society; industrialization inclusive. It is to this end that African institutions, business minded individuals, local companies are trained on how to maximize the internet for expansion.