
Haha that is surely going to make You stronger and more confident, If You come across another snatcher make sure to kick him right on point this time :D give him some experience of his lifetime lol

If the attacker doesn't have a gun lol... but you don't bring fists to a gun fight lol

Of course, that's obvious, You don't try to kick someone who has a gun already. But, most of the snatchers do not really have a gun. They win just because we get too afraid of them. what's the best option here on? Run may be? lol

If it is a male, kick him in the balls then run lol!

hahahahaha thats quite a torture :D but just run too fast after kicking okay? lol

Exactly! Definitely don't want to wait around for the snatcher to get his composure lol

I say, wait around, let him get his composure and kick him ever harder , he deserves at least two 😂