So one week of blood, sweat and tears culminated in the first official demo of our project MVP.
And it turned out pretty good.
There are still some wrinkles that need ironing and some bugs that need stomping. But overall our instructors were happy with what they saw. And I know they are not going to hold back if our product looks bad. So it must be doing ok.
I wish I shared their sentiment because I'm still trying to make the maps portion of the app, which is where I've spent most of my working hours, as flawless as possible. And because I've spent so much time with it, every small blemish stands out like a cell phone in a movie theater.
But perhaps today is not the day for beating myself up...I've got an entire week and a day to do that. Today is a day to celebrate the fruits of our efforts; an app that is functional and easy on the eyes too.
So what to do for the next 7 days? There is definitely work that needs doing. For one, we are all interested in porting our app to mobile, so as soon as we can we will start learning React Native. If that goes well we would like to deploy the app at the beginning of next week and have it be an actual creation existing in the internet-space. And just like any proud papa I can watch my little guy grow up right before my eyes.