Hello everyone,
I haven't posted in a while now, and sincerely, my mind just stopped at some point. It was like a wall around my creativity built by itself, all in all - pure blockade. System collapse.
But there are some thoughts I have been spinning in my head for some time, ever since I saw a short woman on the street, as in, shorter than normal.
Never have I ever been comfortable with sharing my point of view with the world, in a sense of something deeper, but I consider any kind of sharing (is caring :) ) a personal breakthrough.
Why was the short woman a trigger?
Well, because I've thought about how cheap it actually is, and meaningless when they say, and are trying to sell it, that we are all entitled to have a wonderful life, a love of our dreams, looks to kill, a fortune, you name it.
Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way, and I find it toxic, because it makes us hate the people who actually have it all, even though they don't deserve it.
She made me realize that some people were never on a waiting list for something bigger (and that is not a pun), simply because they were born with some kind of, let's call it disability.
I've pictured it as a ladder. Each of us has its own ladder, and a limited number of steps.
Used to be an idealist, but let us face it - it is not unlimited.
And we all begin and end up on our own step.
I've thought about how some of us may encounter situations in life where we loose something that we always took for granted - like the people who loose their leg for example. That is way down on our ladder, and depending on how we cope with the newly created situation, our ladder is going to get more limited. If you end up feeling sorry for yourself in any way, you will never ever go up. Just down, spiraling.
Been on some low steps actually, but important thing is, in my opinion, to try to find the strength to LOOK UP; not necessarily go up - it is simple, if you don't realize you CAN go up, you will never do it. When you have it in your sight, it is reachable.
But, it is unfair - we are not born equal. Not all of us are gone be on some magazine covers, or have a lot of money. Not all of us are going to have a chance for love, simply because our appearance is much more important now than it ever was. And it is simply because we have that life-coach bullshit called dream life, and "everything is possible".
It is unfair, and it is going to be - but the sooner we realize it, it is going to be easier. Sooner we realize life is unpredictable, and we can fall a couple (multiplied) steps down, even though we are holding it firmly.
I don't know if I got my point across. Don't know if there was one. Just wanted to put it out there.
The point is, probably, that there should be awareness about people who are not equal. And there is not a recipe for life, and success. We cannot preach what is not applicable to all, because it is simply discrimination in some hidden form. And it is not fair.
Didn't want to go dark with this, but actually got inspired by my fiancee, who unfortunately broke his arm, and is now going through recovery.
Let's not take for granted everything we have, if we are born with a possibility to move normally, which some people don't have a blessing to. Or the ability to speak, sing, scream, jump, anything.
We are all blessed, because there are people who don't "have it all", and they deserve to be loved and have a nice life, and not to be mocked, which is usually the case.
Just because someone is different, doesn't mean he/she has less value.
After all, we all have our own ladder. We are not comparing each other. The point is to get to the top, and to look forward/up to it.
Have an awesome day everybody!
See ya in the next post.