Burn nothing but calories
I know were all busy with one thing or the other, but all the same we need to get ourselves moving! From your busy days, take a time betwixt and participate in fun activities that isn't just going to make you happy rather it will also retain your health condition. For instance sports could be a perfect idea, it can be practiced everyday. You can start by jogging around your neighborhood, the streets, the park and dish out some warm smile to anyone you come across or you meet along your way. You never know how a simple expression could brighten and lighten your mood and also motivates others. Allow yourself to appreciate and enjoy anything and everything that surrounds you. You're obviously earning priceless life encounters when you burn these calories. Apart from that, it's also one of the best hiatus from your personal confrontations. Quit being lazy and idle, rather get on your feet and go out there, you never know what the world holds for you.image source
Kill nothing but time
In life, make every minute and second count. Start doing what makes you happy now! Don't let a day pass by without spending it on the people you cherish and love. If your already married and got kids, call for a family meeting grab a cup of coffee with friends and loved ones, go to the cinema to see a movie, or embark on a vacation that you haven't been to. See everyday like it's your last day here on earth and for this reason your joy and happiness shouldn't be in the hands of others. And if you have done something or hurt someone in time past, do well to apologize before your time runs out. No matter how you wish and pray, you can never turn back the hand of time, so do well to spend your time wisely. Today is an opportunity and a gift, make it worthwhile.image source
Bring nothing but memories
Each time we get to a particular place or when were traveling, it's crucial to take collectibles along with you. At that point, when view your window on the bus or the jet memories will start flashing to your mind, but you can't remember all those memories at once that's why it's needed to take all those stuff along with you. If you don't mind, you could also share them with some friends by your side, it makes it more valuable and unique. At a time we need to understand that things don't really have to be expensive in order for them to be appreciated or valued, value is appreciated not only by money but by purpose and importance. Don't stop making more memories that you'll forever cherish and appreciate.image source
Well said, i really enjoyed reading you blogs i always learn each time i go through the lines. Steem on!
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