People are awesome

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

When life gives you lemon make an awesome lemonade we are often told. But some people just won't settle for that lemonade. Some just go for that extra classy wine :) I just made up a random list of awesome people, in no particular order below.

No 1

Most of us get frustrated in that traffic when going to work, not this man.Frantisek Hadrava, a locksmith, from the Czech Republic spent two years and $4000 building his plane to cut off 14 minutes from going to work via road by riding on his plane.

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So next time you are stuck in traffic, if you get pissed enough, I suggest you do a Frantisek and get yourself a plane!

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No 2
William Kamkwamba, a Malawian boy, who couldn't afford his school fees of $80 was kicked out of school. He saw a picture of a windmill in the library and decided to build his own windmill. He was self-taught and used what he read in a book titled Using Energy

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He built his first windmill with a tractor fan, an old bicycle frame, tree branches, and produced twelve volts to power four light bulbs and charge mobile phones. His story was so inspirational that a book was written about it called The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind

So, is electricity down your area? Just build yourself a wind turbine :)

No 3

For those with children growing faster than the parents can afford to buy them shoes, Kenton Lee is here to the rescue.

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His shoes is reputed to "grow" with the children and last for five years! If you grew up with all the Golden spoon and silver plates, you may not understand what it means to go to school barefoot, simply because your parents are too broke to afford yet another shoe or sandals.

You will agree with me that these individuals above are awesome, at least they are trying to fix a problem in their own way.

Got any thing to say about them? Let me know in the comments below :)


@bitfairy got you a $1.71 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice!
@bitfairy got you a $1.71 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice! (Image:

Want a boost? Click here to read more!

I am Groot! :D

Very uplifting and inspiring post! I enjoyed reading about these folks :)

Yeah, me too, they are making a difference their own little way.

Quite inspiring! Good one @bitfairy

Wow, so encouraging. I love creativity. Everyone got a thing in them, you just have to find it and make the best of it. Am really amazed by the young man who built the windmill. Imagine him trained and given access to tools and materials needed, what he would do.
Lots kids have good potential in them. But our sorry ass africa/nigeria Education see only those sitting in classes, writing some exams as those with potentials. Someone once told me, that so many years sitting in classes, reading and writting some theoritical exams is wasted years for many of our kids with potential and i totally agree with
We should encourage vocational education more. Many kids are good with putting their knowledge in practical than in writting.
I have always said, i will never jugde once intelligence by just the A's and firstclass. There is more to the brain than just writing school work. Especially from our Nigerian Schools. Not saying those with excellently good grades are not good, on the contary they are very good and could have good pontentials other than school exams in them, that have not been exploited yet.
But those with not so good grades shouldnt be kicked out because they could not express themselves in writting perfectly. They should be given other opportunity to show what they have in them.
My opinion though.

Yeah, the debate on whether exams is the true test of knowledge is just something we may never see the end of. Also going to school vs following your dreams are just two sides of same coin. Some succeed while others don't. The thing is just to follow the path that works great for you. Thanks for commenting :)

That long hair is great!!

Lol. You right :)

These stories made me smile! I appreciate this "out of the box" thinking.

I need that shoe that ladt so long

Ok... That's cool.... See the pricing. You can contact them here.

Quite a brilliant post. (Y)

Thanks a lot <3