There are so many stories about the greys and many hold parts that are true but overall they aren't really to the point, and miss a huge piece of context.
First of all, I would like to mention that proof of the existence of grey aliens has been found, and has been in the public awareness for some time now. The government has openly made cartoon figures of what they look like.
And that in and of itself is no coincidence. It is a deliberate programming of the mind to accept that these beings will merge with our reality.
So our world Government has 100% been in contact with them as far back as 1920's
So let's get started.
I have heard a number of theories of who "they" are, I'm not gonna go into speculation at this time, I'm gonna go straight to the point, but this might shock many but the greys actually are us humans from the future, just as we now live on Planet Earth so did they live on earth thousands of years into the future.
So you might be wondering?
These human beings that had lived on their world just like we do now and many of the countries started to get into conflicts and wars, it eventually escalated to such a degree that nuclear weapons were used and billions of humans died because of it.
A certain percentage, however, did survive the war, but after the war, the sky was polluted because of the radiation and almost all humans that survived were forced to live in underground cavities, caves, and installations, so they managed to develop them self further while living underground.
As a result of that, they grew as a race in a underground complex and decided that emotions were the cause of the war and the destruction of nearly all life on the planet, they decided to breed out emotion by splicing the DNA to such an extent that they could no longer feel hate, sorrow, anger, and even love.
Once they had lived a few hundred years underground because they had lived that long underground and because they changed their DNA their bodies mutated to what you know as Large Heads, Large Eyes, and Small/Medium Bodies. Once they resurfaced on the Earth they could not withstand the sunlight, so they designed black shades to place over their eyes so that they don't burn their eyes.
This is why if you see one, it will look like black eyes but those are not their eyes it's a protective layer.
It means a lot because once they realized that they could no longer experience emotions as a result of that they did realize they no longer had the urge to reproduce or even the capability to reproduce them self further.
So their race would go extinct if they didn't find a solution.
So they decided that if they went back in time to collect genetic material they could create hybrid beings as in a mix between humans and greys, and thus keep their race from going extinct.
Not only that, once they came here, around the 1900's, they made contact with government and military officials and wanted to exchange technology, if they were allowed to abduct humans from different time frames for their experiment.
The governments accepted the offer and humans began to be abducted from 1920's til 1970's.
As the greys provided more technology over time, the governments who developed it into weaponry could track spacecraft and shoot them down mercilessly to obtain even more technology, this is where TV, IPHONE, IPAD, CARS all come from it was given to the government 60 years ago and in waves it's being distributed into our world.
So without the greys experiencing what they went through and coming here, we would not have the technology today that we have now, so it is thanks to them that we have the explosion of growth technology wise.
After the 1980's the abductions seemed to have stopped since they had collected enough genetic material
Here and there it might happen but It's a rare occasion, especially since a lot more is going on now.
And also because they had no emotions they did hurt other humans who resisted, so this is what I mean by a misunderstood race, they needed help!
That is correct! Once the greys had collected enough material they went back to their time and searched for other planets and even created planets them self and brought the hybrid children unto these planets so they could continue their race.
The hybrid experiment contains 5 Genetic Experiments Each one looking less and less like the full Greys as you know them to be. And more like humans as we are now. So 5 Sub species living separately on different planets yet interacting with each other in a kind spiritual open way.
And now we have come to the part I'm really excited about.
Because there are these hybrid races that means they wanted to thank the ones that allowed them to be and alive, so us.
But in order to come here, they realized if they would just land it pretty much would be world war 3 and 4 all combined.
So around 1980's the evolved version of the hybrid races came back to us and began creating offspring once again with human beings, to create another hybrid race the 6th Hybrid race this means that they would become ambassador children that would in the near future come and live among us to let us get used to being in contact with interstellar species.
(I know for myself that I have 3 Hybrid children and their names are Myir, Rod, Heath, so personally, I'm looking very forward to meeting these 3)
And yes males as well were included in this process of hybridization, many times sexual dreams are actual experiences you are having creating offspring just putting that out there...
These Hybrid beings are already being trained to understand our human ways, for example... eating with a knife and a fork is extremely weird for them. And going to the store to "buy" food with paper is even more weird to them.
And once these Hybrid children will live on our world at first away from busy centers to let them acclimate to our world once they are growing and once we as a race acclimate to them, that is when a new hybrid race can be born between us humans and the ET races, which will become the 7th hybrid race.
So this concludes my knowledge on The Greys but I would like to mention something else because there are stories out there, that greys are robots, and slave to reptilian races.
This is correct, there are obviously parts of the greys that are recreated but in terms of the ones we are gonna deal with, those ones see us as their ancestors because we gave them life. and those rogue ET's will not be coming into the picture for us.
When I got all of this information around 2010 and learned about their history from my own contact experience. When I saw, the following video It double confirmed to me that what I had learned from the beings making contact with me is absolutely spot on.
Whether or not this footage is real or faked I'm not gonna judge, but whatever the being said in it is absolutely TRUE.
And yes many of the greys were kept captive and were used for experiments, and to this day there are aliens being kept captive on our world.
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This post is very interesting, my opinion is, if greys really do exist why none of us human ever had first encounter to them?
You may very well have had encounters with them already in this lifetime, but they will more often than not wipe your memory because It's not their intention to disturb your life as it is. But I came to the realization of remembering most of it when I started meditating.
So pretty much everyone in the world will have had some sort of contact already but just doesn't remember.
@beyondthecrypto Beautiful Post! I am really interested in this issue and I belive that there is a countless number of species in our universe. And I do belive that some of them live already here on earh, under the earth, in the oceans and in the sky. There technoligy is far more advanced than ours. I have seen the interview with at the end of your post already before on youtube. And even this is a fake, the words that our little friend is saying should alert and inspire us all! Glad you are here, nice work! Upvoted & Followed
You are correct! They have many Earth bases in an out of dimensions on the earth itself
many deep sea bases as you would understand.
Thank you for being you and sharing your perspective :)
But in due time they will come forth. the beings underground will not, but those that are humanoid and familiar will.
I agree. But I think they will wait until the human beings speak with one voice. I do not believe that they make their appearance with a great event before there is no big shift in human consciousness. First we will have to overcome wars, poverty, racism and religios dogma before they invite us into a cooperation of intelligent life forms. What is your opinion?
Since these is so much intervention on our world and corruption they have set the timeline to: 2025-2030, that is the time whether people are ready or not. the announcement will come from a source on earth that will make it clear they exist.
Only 50% of the earths population will graduate to 4th density though.
But the event of extra-terrestrial contact will be a consensus change that involves all.
I like this, it's a subject that interests me. Ive read some stuff about Greys before, this was different, but good. Upvoted :)
Glad you liked it @harleyquinn :)
I read that they are created by Annunakis like we are but that they are from the future can be true as well. Hope to see one soon :)
Well in my recent post about the origin of humans I did speak about the fact that in our universe a separate faction of the Annunaki's created workers aka humans. and then later other races added genetics to ours which brought about a grand experiment in which we are to become an amazingly strong race. Because we contain so many genetic alterations.
So in a sense, those greys are directly related to us whom also must have been made by Annunaki beings in their respective universe.
but since that is merely a parallel reality its hard to really say whether that's the case or not.
For us yes we were sorta put together by beings who visited earth for resources. and this later grew out into the most anticipated evolutions which we are now living.
To grow from Homo Sapiens to Homo Galactica basically.
Which we are now becoming over time.
Nice I will later check out your post about the origin of humans. I think they where harvesting monoatomic gold and created us do do the work for them. I tell you I saw 2 time a UFO the first time was outside of Berlin my brother in law told me to come quick outside he saw it first it was flying like I have never seen something like that. The second I saw in Mauritius many people saw it that day and one of my cousin made this picture here. It was first a very small bright light and then it became bigger and bigger like on the picture and then it just disappeared.

Yup this is actually the last stage that they do for usually few years in a row to make people aware they will be making contact. as to make people get used to the idea of objects flying in the skies.
so expect more of this to happen ;)
And yes the Annunaki needed gold and other resources for space travel that is correct.
I have been on one spacecraft once and It's really weird though.. once you step on the craft its as if you are directly linked to the consciousness of the ship, and also the inside is always bigger than the outside.
So the Inside may be mothership size but the outside may just be a Flying saucer medium sized craft. Really freaky.
Damn that is crazy how and where did you got on a spacecraft? And from what Alien race was it? I would love to have this experience!
To have such an experience I would say ask for a Genetic Lineage benevolent species to come to you, thats how i did it, did it for 2 weeks but nothing happened and then out of nowhere when i gave up about the thought of asking them, it happened.
It would be very nice of you if you can give me some links where I can read more about Genetic Lineage Benevolent Species. Thank you
nice post
thank you.
In any case, several other beings from other dimensions who have never been human also crave for human experience and thus await their turn to get here. And once here, over a period of time & several incarnations later tend to forget their true identity.
This is the sad but true story of all of us as well. As a good actor who has played several roles sometimes struggles to find his own identity, we too are struggling to find our true identity. This is the story of all spiritual pursuit. Well, I guess this is a subject for a whole new post!Thanks for that gripping post @beyondthecrypto! Although some may find it hallucinatory in nature! Anyway, I guess it is human nature to judge . . . let them be. I think that what happened to the greys - or should we say our future selves is indeed sad. It would be interesting to understand how the Pleiadians & Arcturians figure in the scheme of events playing out, as I understand some of them are also here amongst us incarnated as humans. These 2 races are considered highly evolved spiritually and who are not capable of any negative emotion. And we do have several indigo children even though the concept has been rejected as a pseudoscientific new age concept.
It is natural to judge for human's because each human lives in his or her own reality bubble and so you need to decide which portions you wanna experience. but regarding Extra-Terrestrial beings this cannot be avoided because it is in the collective reality. so sooner or later those that turn a blind eye, will no longer be able to look away.
About the pleiadians and arcturians well I didn't include anything about it in this post because it doesn't rly fit into it, so soon I'll talk a bit about them.
The indigo children are very real, and you can pretty much see it at their behavior also. they are really bossy and teach the parents instead of the parents teaching the child.
This is actually what needs to happen to break the old patterns and leave them behind.
Well yes and no some crave to be here but It's not that they are awaiting their turn, understand there is an infinite amount of earth's in an infinite amount of parallel universe and so they could go in any kind of time line they wish. but our parallel universe on this earth is very exciting so yes many are sorta waiting if you wanna put it like that. but they aren't subject to time in that sense.
And identity can never be lost It's merely pushed to the back as it were.
And yup you keep bringing me great memories and words flood into my mind to make a post about soon, thank you kindly :'D
Thanks for your insights & perspective on the subject. It certainly adds value to the subject as it is based on personal experience or should we call it 'ringside view', rather than reported information.
And you are right about the identity not being lost but rather being pushed to the back or somehow concealed. Glad to hear about the 'old memories flooding in'. We shall await to hear about them soon. Thanks!
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I think aliens are watching us and we are their expirement ^^
Well, we are.. but the experiment is nearing completion and that means we get to meet beings who have been watching over us and also, know our full history. So all things hidden will become opened up in due time.