It may surprise you but not many understand the simultaneity of life
What I mean by that is: that Dimensionalities can be interwoven into each other while co-existing.
Life is not complicated but it can certainly be complex.
But It's an interesting thing
Are you Third Dimensional?
Scientists say we are Third Dimensional but let's put that into perspective.
Scientist claim we live on a Third Dimensional Planet
to that, I would say Yes and No
Yes: Because we obviously live on a third-dimensional world.
No: Because this world has many fractalizations going on, this means many realms come together at once and coexist with one another, we may not be aware of them but they are aware of us!
Scientists have been disregarding the subject of time when it comes to dimensions this is why they are absolute fools who do not know what they are talking about. Science is a form of spirituality and when spirituality is not included you get wrong calculations.
And So The Third Dimension means the following:
2 Dimensions of Space
1 Dimension of Time
Now hold on a minute...
2 Dimensions of Space... But... we have 3 right?
So why are Scientists trying to make people believe that it is only This or That?
While It's This and That.
Okay, so there's only one explanation for this.
HUMANS are Fourth Dimensional Beings living on a Third Dimensional World!
Connected by Many more Dimensions, all coexisting around us.
So this means Humans have access to:
3 Dimensions of Space
1 Dimension of Time
So this proofs we are Fourth Dimensional not Third.
What this means is the following because everyone knows that "The Astral" is the space that is known as "Dream Time" But when you sleep your entire consciousness moves into a Full Fourth Dimensional Expression and when you wake up your Consciousness goes back lower to the Third also known as (2nd Density).
Now it is interesting to note that because of the influx of energy that has been going on for many years now that a lot has changed. The rate at which the technology is coming forward, the changes of the sun from a yellow color to white color, to the inevitable collapse of the corruption in our world.
We may assume that this already is a lot! but in fact, you haven't seen anything yet. The total collapse of society is yet to happen and even that is but a small part of this overall change.
Because of this change, from an evolution from 3rd Density (Fourth dimension) to 4th Density (Fifth Dimension)
It means that everyone and I mean everyone will at some point in the next 50 years be able to live within or enter within a dream like space that your consciousness can access.
But that is merely the first phase after that, there will only be a 30-year window from which those that have evolved to such a point of full 3rd Density that they will rapidly and quickly evolve into a consciousness state that can hold 4th Density energy.
And you may say... what's so special about that?
And my response to that is: Well most species experience 1 full Density in 1000 years before they evolve to the next one, the fact that this happens for us in a 30-year time span is something that has never happened before.
So it is no wonder why the human experiment is so very important within this universe.
Because living in a dense dark space actually allows for massive, massive growth.
And it has even gone further than what was once thought possible.
But it all comes back to this, We all are energy and we can never cease to be
These images that were taken show us the nature of how every form is merely contained by the energy that surrounds it.
If you were to die and leave your body, what should happen is that your cells simply fall apart and you fall to a billion pieces on the floor. Because your Consciousness has left the body.

However, that is not the case, because there is this consciousness field that is everywhere at all times.
So even if you leave your body it will stay together as long as it possibly can. before it just disintegrates.
So know that you are not just 3rd Dimensional beings you are 4th Dimensional
And when it comes to your evolution within this Density It's up to you to reach that point on your own strength.
Why I'm saying this to you, is because if you don't do the work you are not rewarded.
Things like this are on your own accord, and this is the difference between someone like me and someone who does not know much about this. Because I have been meditating connecting to energies it has allowed me to be at the forefront of this change.
I'm not there yet, not even close
But I'm getting there.
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Very interesting topic, i like it.
Check out my post about us as Multi dimensionality beings.