I am so glad you started my dear. I have tried so hard to convince another at least 20 friends, with personal talks, sending them links with information and only 2 from the 20 did start here. I guess it takes time. I have been always very early on every possible platform, my space, Facebook etc. Steemit is for sure the best one and I am loving it. My friend @thomasheindl was trying to convince me already at the beginning ot 2017, I waited wayyy to long and started at the end of October.
Of course there are posts with really low quality cell phone photos on the platform making hundreds based on other things than quality but this is normal in the digital age. Internet is like gambling.
Let us all keep on focusing on the content, quality and the community, and all will go good.
And thank you so much for not giving up on bringing me in! Now it's my turn to do the same for others :D
Focusing on the good quality & the community is indeed what's important and what makes this place wonderful.
Love you my dear!