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RE: Islam is not a religion of rubbish, islam love peace (help irish people from starvation)

in #blog7 years ago

It's interesting that you say

"Sultan Abdul Mosque was advised to reduce its aid far greater than the British seizure leaders"

to 10% so as not to "offend" the Queen of England. It has always been a controversial opinion in this country to blame the British monarchy for the 50% reduction in Irish population in Ireland. By many of us it is considered as an attempted holocaust of the Irish. Ireland was under British rule at this time. They were not responsible for the potato blight, but they were responsible for the export of all other agricultural products, and the reasons we relied so much on potatoes in the first place.

Farmed on land that belonged to the Irish until it was forcefully seized by the British. They no longer owned the land they grew the food on but potatoes were easy to grow in surplus.

It was because of this great famine the Irish started to reclaim their ownership of their country, and 60 years later, the descendants of the survivers became the martyrs of the Easter Rising 1916 which led to our independence 5 years later.


That's what taught us in our religion, cherish And Respect,

de velera? - villain or hero?

Neither. This is history, not a fairytale.

I presumed you were from Ireland, so was interested, is all.

Having lived there for a while, I had some very interesting discussions, and some very different perspectives expressed...

I didn't mean to sound offended by the question, I just resent the narrative of hero/villain that we're spoon fed by the mass media (American) because the real world is not so black and white.

hero/ villain was the the most expedient way to express my question.