Congratulation aka Super Dad. Welcome to the world little Leo. I think you will like it, the world. There is so much to do, so much to see, and the taste and smells of life, you are going to love it. Don't worry to much about the speed at which you get around, you will get faster and in no time at all be up and on your own two feet, running willy nilly here and there.
Then one day, your dad or your mom will present you with you first form of transportation, you first tricycle, oh the joy of those three wheels. pedaling as fast as your little legs will go, then the utter joy of your first two wheeled bicycle, ---well I better let you dad tell you all about that and the other joys in life you are going to experience..
That's sweet words. Really! There a lots of good people in this world, kind words go a long way, thats for sure. I will help this young lad to be a good human being and most importantly happy :)