benefit or usefulness of red needle flower

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Dear steemeans

Steemit friends all meet again with me at this night, well on the occasion I want to share a little challenge the usability of flower needles and the following experience and my story let us see the same

Have you ever heard of Ashoka's flower? Flowers with small and group shapes and have a striking color is often used as an ornamental plant and formed bonsai and become a fence. here is the scientific name of the details:

I. Material Systematics

Kingdom: Plantae

Divisio: Spermatophyta

Sub Divisio: Angiospermae

Class: Dicotyledonae

Order: Rubiales

Family: Rubiaceaea

Genus: Ixora

Species: Ixora paludosa Kurz. (Latin name)

Flower Needle (Region Name)

Flowers with the Latin name Sarca Indica is a plant of familyCaesalpiniaceae. Flowers that became one of the sacred crops in India has a certain type of substance that is beneficial to the body. Among them are the content of hematoxylin substances, organic substances, tannins, iron, saponins, flavonoids, and catachins, all of which are present in all parts of this beautiful flower. And did you know that Ashoka's flowers have a sweet and soothing taste

II. Plant morphology

a) Roots

The root of the needle flower (Ixora paludosa Kurz.) Is a tread root, can spread in all directions with 30 cm to 40 cm deep. The root is white

b) Trunk

The needle flower stalk (Ixora paludosa Kurz.) Is erect, shrubby, round-shaped (teres), slightly branched, rough surface, has traces of leaf attachment.

c) Leaves

The needle flower leaf (Ixora paludosa Kurz.) Is a single leaf, located opposite, short-stemmed, blunt end, blunt base, flat edges, dark green leaf and leaf lid do not fall out.

d) Interest

The flower of the needle flower (Ixora paludosa Kurz.) Is a compound interest, located on the axillary of the leaf or at the end of the stem, Its petals are shaped like a saucer, its tip is pointy (acutus), its crown is oval.

e) Fruit

The fruit of the needle flower (Ixora paludosa Kurz.) Has a small, spherical, round shape including a stone fruit, crowned by small petal teeth, when young is green, purple when it is ripe,

f) Seeds

The needle flower seed (Ixora paludosa Kurz.) Includes two pieces (dicotyledoneae), oval, small, and white.

III. Based on the content and facts, of course we also know not how the efficacy and benefits of asoka flowers for the body:

Overcoming Homorganic Dysentery and Hemorrhoids. The way is enough to pound Ashoka flowers and add a little boiled water, then drink half a glass only.

Treat bruises. The trick is to boil Ashoka flower with leaves 30 gr, tuber of god leaves as much as 10 gr, and dried roses as much as 10 grams with water as much as 600 cc to the remaining half. Then filter and drink twice daily after meals.

Smooth irregular menstruation. The trick is to boil Ashoka flowers and roses as much as 15 grams with 90 grams of Aloe Vera leaves that have been cleaned and cut into pieces using 600 cc of water to 200 cc. Then strain and drink twice a day, each 100 cc.

Treat cramps in the calves. The trick is to boil 2 stalks Ashoka flowers, 30 gr leaves fresh pungent, and 3 flowers mawardengan water flower as much as 600 cc until the remaining half. Strain and drink twice daily after meals.

Overcoming high blood pressure. The trick is to boil Ashoka with pure water as much as 600 cc until the remaining half. Then drink one glass a day after dinner.

so many posts from me hopefully can be useful for all of us apologize if there is a lack of knowing just me masi beginner in the world steemeans

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Very beautiful flowers