๐Ÿ‘‰๐ŸปMy Original Daily Motivation - "Make sure your actions, and words every day define the person you want to be in life"๐Ÿ‘ˆ๐Ÿป

in #blog โ€ข 7 years ago (edited)

I am sorry about everyday mistake in the photo... lol

We all dream about the person we want to be in life or maybe become in the future. It really does not matter who is the person we want to become. Some of us want to be basketball players, painters, artist, architects, musicians...But all of us just want to go through life being a positive and happy person living a positive and happy life. I think everybody has the same goal of being happy in life right?

Our Choices

I am not saying our entire life will be "sunshine and rainbows" scenario. Bad things happen in life sometimes and we can't control it really. But, what we can control is how we react to those bad things and situations in life. That is always in our control. It is a CHOICE. Everything you do yourself is in your control. The way you think, speak, and your actions are ALWAYS in your control. You can't control life happenings and people actions in life, but your words and actions in life will always be your CHOICES.


So I want you to ask yourself a question of who do you want to be in life? A musician? Artist? Positive person? Happy person? It really does not matter who you want to be in life, but rather what it matters is what are you doing every day to become that person? Are your thoughts, words, and actions working towards being the person you want to be in life? Are you following what your heart and soul is telling you? Are you listening? That is what matters.

Your Actions Every Day

So what I am trying to say to you is if your actions every day don't build a person you want to be in life, then you will never become that person. If you are happy being the person you are than all power to you. But, if you are not I encourage to start doing things like the person you want to be in life. Start working on yourself every day, and every chance you get. Because you hold all the power to become any type of a person you want to be in life. You DO!!!

How do you do it? Well, if you want to become a great musician than it only makes sense you practice singing or playing an instrument. Get better at it every day. No matter who you want to be a person if you don't practice becoming that person you will never get there. It does not happen magically overnight. It happens with hours and hours of practice, hard work, and dedication. You are the best project you are ever going to work on in life. Even being positive and happy is practiced every day.



Wake up every morning with positive thinking and try to see positive in literally everything. In making your bed, washing dishes... I mean everything. Don't think about how "hard" it is, or how you don't feel like doing it. But, rather think about how amazing your nicely folded bed would look like, or how amazing and shiny your kitchen will look after you finish washing the dishes. Being positive and happy is all about having that positive perspective and seeing positive in literally everything. There is always a positive and negative side of things in life. And, yet again, it is our choice how you look at things and happenings in our lives. Always our CHOICE.

Safest Investment Is You

The only real safe investment in this life is to invest time and effort in yourself. You are improving yourself no matter what. Even if you fail at reaching that ultimate goal you had. Because you improved along the journey. And, you should keep improving. Don't let falling short once to reach your goals discourage you from trying again. Learn from it, and the greatest about life is that you CAN ALWAYS TRY AGAIN!!!!How cool is that? If you are still breathing you can TRY AGAIN. You gotta love that about life. We always get a second chance if we CHOOSE to take one. That is AGAIN IN OUR CONTROL.

The most important of all guys enjoy the journey of becoming the person you want to be in life. Enjoy everything. Because both failures, and success built the person you are today. Without failures, there would not be motivation for learning and improving ourselves. Because failures, in reality, are only motivation to learn and improve. They are our greatest teachers if we are willing to learn the lessons they are teaching us all?

Final Thoughts

So, my amazing Steemians, this is my final little advice I learned in the past year or little more. I realized if I am not happy right NOW, I mean right this moment, even when writing these words in my post, and sharing my thoughts with you. I am missing out on life. I realized happiness is NOW. And, I can control it. It is in my CONTROL. Happiness is all about my perspective on life and things happening in my life. I realized no material thing can "buy" me happiness. Because anything material can only give me short time pleasure, but not long time happiness. Longtime happiness is "hidden" in my everyday thoughts, actions, and choices. Being happy is the only person I want to be in life. And, I am the only one responsible for my happiness.



And, so are you, my friends. You are responsible for the person you want to be in life and your happiness. They are both under your control. Make sure your thoughts, words, and actions every day are working toward becoming the person you want to be in life. If you say you want to be this or that person than simply be it. Every single day of your life. You have the power to do so. What kind of person do your heart and soul want you to be? Are you listening to them?

"Make sure your actions, and words every day define the person you want to be in life"

Thank you all for reading, have an amazing day, much love,

dbjegovic ๐Ÿ’• ๐Ÿ’ž ๐Ÿ’“

If you enjoyed this post but need some extra motivation, go and check out some of the other motivational posts I wrote:

My Original Daily Motivation - "Find a quiet place to silence your mind in order to hear your soul." โ˜ฎ๏ธ


My Original Daily Motivation - "It is great to stand up for what you believe in, but you also have to be ready to walk alone in order to protect your beliefs."


My Original Daily Motivation - "Every day is another opportunity to take steps toward our goals."


My Original Daily Motivation - "Stop saying I CAN'T. Stop COMPLAINING. Stop doubting YOURSELF. Stop being AFRAID. Start saying I CAN, and start believing with all your HEART."


My Original Daily Motivation - "Surround yourself with people who bring out the BEST of you. People who are there for you in the BEST, and WORST day's of your life."


My Original Daily Motivation - "Don't be afraid to be different in life, but rather be afraid of going through LIFE PRETENDING to be someone you are not."


My Original Daily Motivation - "You can FAIL. You can FALL DOWN. You can make a MISTAKE. It is all part of LIFE. The only thing you should never do is STAY DOWN, or quit on YOURSELF, and the DREAMS you have."


My Daily Original Motivation - "Failures, mistakes, and disappointments are merely guidelines to success."


My Original Daily Motivation - "Keep SHINNING your "LIGHT" every day. Eventually, the "CLOUDS" will disappear, and there will only be you there. Shinning your "LIGHT".โ›…๏ธ


My Original Daily Motivation - "Never let anyone tell you what THEY think is IMPOSSIBLE for you in life. THEIR impossible could be YOUR POSSIBLE."


My Original Daily Motivation - "Dream of a happy life, and live you are DREAMING. Create your own happiness."


***My Original Daily Motivation - "You are as STRONG, as the obstacles you OVERCOME through life." ***


My Daily Original Motivation - "Breath in confidence and love. Exhale doubt and fear. REPEAT."


P.S. If you have not heard about the new amazing discord group called The Steam Engine you should definitely take a look. Amazing group of people helping each other become better Steemians and succeed on Steemit. Plus, of course, have some fun doing it.Take a look, maybe joining this success train will be one of the best decisions you made in 2018.

The STEEM Engine


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I personally agree with everything you have expressed here, my amazing friend @awakentolife

I also believe that before we all want to be a positive person, or wanting to make positive change is first know who we are and believe in ourselves.

Many people out there are inspired by others' motivational talks / actions but it only last a short time because it was a moment of inspiration ; while realising who we truly are, and how much potential is there to unlock within us, is the true sustainable attitude that will make that very change we want to achieve.

I personally went through that transformation, and I know it is crucial to take that first step - love ourselves, forgive ourselves and allow ourselves to grow.

After that, it's just discipline.
(Which I sometimes sorely lack haha)

Super love your post! upvoted and resteemed

I agree. First, we need to know who we are or who we want to be. And, then, we have to work and protect that person against everything and everybody. It is our job to fight for ourselves. :)

Yep, you can get motivated and inspired by others but it is up to you to find that amazing liberating motivation INSIDE YOU. We all need to become our own source of motivation. Not needing anyone to motivate ourselves to chase anything we want to chase in life. That is my goal with all my posts. So people realize that true power is THEM.

And, yes we need first make the first step, love ourselves all the time, and forgive ourselves. That is the only way to GROW really. :)

Thank you for your amazing, long, insightful, beautiful comment. I truly appreciate you sharing your thoughts with me. :)

Have the best day ever, and ever, my amazing, kind, and good-hearted friend. :) @littlenewthings

My heart was so warm after reading your post! SO good!!

You are the best project you are ever going to work on in life. Even being positive and happy is practiced every day.

This is so true! We might have a thousand projects but we're constantly building ourselves. Our mental health is the base for anything else we want to achieve in life. If the base is not strong enough, the rest will, sooner or later, break. That's why it's so important to work on the well being everyday.

Learn from it, and the greatest about life is that you CAN ALWAYS TRY AGAIN!!!!How cool is that? If you are still breathing you can TRY AGAIN.

YES!!! Thank you. Amen! :) Resteemed your post.

I could not agree with you more. We all need to imagine ourselves as the foundation of the house. If the foundation is shaky and not build strong enough neither the whole "house" on top of it will be. If the foundation is not strong even a little stronger wind will tear it down. The real strength is US. When you build the strong foundation you can achieve anything in life and even tornado will not tear your "house" down. :)

And, yes as long as we are breathing we can TRY AGAIN. That is one of the simplest and amazing truths about life.

Thank you, for such an amazing comment, I am happy you liked it, and really appreciate your words. :)

Have the best day ever. :) @julimattos

That's such a great metaphor!! I really like the idea of building strong foundations to be able to go through bad moments or "storms" in life Thank you for such an amazing post!!! You too, hope you have an amazing day. :)

Don't think about how "hard" it is, or how you don't feel like doing it.
Being positive and happy is all about having that positive perspective and seeing positive in literally everything

Those words are key. A lot of the times that is what we concentrate on. How hard, how big and how long of a job is so we reflect on that and then don't feel like doing it at all. We discourage ourselves before we even start.
It is all about having the proper mind set, and getting out of our heads too. The more we think about it the worse it gets.
Being positive is the first steps to being more happy, which then can have a snowball effect on everything else. Being a mom, if I set a happy mood and positive mood, my kids become like that too. Even my husband says: happy wife, happy life lol. I don't like those words to be honest as it makes me feel as though I am self centered but I don't think that is how it is meant to be thought of.

happiness is NOW.

It is always now, live in the now. Too many times have people lived in the past, some in the future but those are times that we cant touch until we are there, but then again it becomes the now. Be happy now, to be happy later,right? Can't change the past, leave it there. Work on today, live in the present. :)
Great blog here and it is motivating. A good mood booster and reminder of where we need to be. Thank you for that.

I could not agree with you more. The more positive you are, the more positivity you attract. Your positive energy becomes a ripple which makes everybody around you more positive. I don't think you are self-centered at all. We affect people lives by the way we think, act, and speak every day. And we can CHOOSE to spread negativity and attract the same, or we can CHOOSE to see the positive in everything, and attract the same. :)

And, your husband is a smart man. And, that is one true saying. lol But, it applies to everybody. The more positive we all are, the more positive people will be around us. A simple law of attraction. :)

We can't go back in the past and change what happened. But, we can learn from it no doubt. Thinking too much about the future usually creates worry. We can't control the future or the past. The only thing we have is now, and that is the only place we should live in. We can only focus on actions right NOW. The rest is really out of our control. So let's just be happy and positive we all got this amazing thing we call LIFE because besides NOW nothing is guaranteed. :)

Thank you for such an amazing comment. I have enjoyed reading every single word of it. You really took time to leave a thoughtful and amazing comment. I truly appreciate you taking the time. :)

Have an amazing, positive, and blessed day. :) @foxyspirit

Just sharing my thoughts and how I feel, reflecting upon you post. Great posts like this are great for making people think,'foods for thoughts'. These are some of the things I like to find in my news feed.
Helping people see what they truely need to see has so much value. It makes for better life styles and better people too.
Keep up the good word and putting out the good positive words ^_^

Each morning when I wake up I am grateful to have gained a new day. Inspiring post, as usual ;-)

Thank you, my friend. Being grateful is sure one of the keys to a happy life. I talk about it so much in my posts because it is incredibly important. :)

great message to read. So many of us are so focused on the bad things that we can't see how there is so much good.

We look at our neighbor, our facebook friend, our classmate from 5 years ago and compare our life and how their's seem so much better that we forget that we have grown as well in our own pace.

Be the person we want to be, learn and read, practice and go for it!

Yep, I agree with you, my friend. We do tend sometimes focus on things we can't control, instead of controlling what we can. We can control our attitude and perspective on life every day. And, it is up to us to do it. :)

And, decide what person you want to be, and just pratice being that person every day of your life. :)

Inspiring words of wisdom, my friend!

Thank you, my amazing friend. I hope all is amazing with you? :)

The only real safe investment in this life is to invest time and effort in yourself.

This is so true! Great attitude. Thanks for the reminder. :)

It really is. If we invest in ourselves it is always a win situation. There is no downside. :)

Blessings to you Bro! Wow... Great article. Everyday we can make a change... ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

@coachmelleow I am glad you like it. I am sorry for not checking out your profile more. My great friend @littlenewthings told me you are amazing as well. I will have to catch up with your posts. :)

And, you are exactly right. We make a change every day. Let's just point it in the right direction. :)

ย 7 years agoย (edited)ย 

Goodness me...I have to say - reading your post..my spirits were lifted...so much positive thinking and sharing your pearls of wisdom is such a wonderful way...pure breath of fresh air! Thank you for that...and yes...you are right...we truly need to live our lives in the NOW...and never stop to strive for the best in all we do...life is a constant learning curve..and we might as well enjoy every step we take! :)

@artbyjolla awwww thank you for such an amazing comment. Blushing over here. I am really happy you liked it and that it lifted your spirits. Because this is my intent with every single of my motivational posts. :)

And, you are absolutely right, we live in the now. What is happening in your life right now is all you have right now. Let's make sure we are doing our best and keeping it as positive as possible enjoying every step along the way. :)

Thank you, for such an amazing comment. I trully appreciate it.

Have an amazing day. :)

:) :) blushing is good too lol fljdvljklavl ( my cat stepped on my keyboard...I thought I would leave the mark she left lol ) have a inspiring day, Durko :)

Wonderful and awaken as always but with a fresh twist in styling. I like it! I like it a lot ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š

hehe thank you Petrice. Well, I am learning to format better a bit and I got to say taking an extra couple of minutes to do it is very well worth it. :)

Thank you my friend for stopping by, and have an amazing day as always. :)

I wish I could nominate you Durko. I can't agree more, "the safest investment is you"...............great post as usual XOXO

hahaha well, I had a recent Curie vote so I am doing well and getting enough "rewards" from all the amazing support I am getting from you and other amazing people and friends I met here. :)

XOXOX to infinity. :)

Wonderful inspirational post! Your positivity is always refreshing! ๐Ÿ˜Š


Well, thank you, my amazing friend. I appreciate your kind words. :)

Have an amazing day. :)

The bit about the dishes really spoke to me. The dishes and I do not get on. But you are right the feeling of satisfaction of a completed task is a far better way to feel, then the agitated one looking at the massive pile of things to do, which will only grow and get ever worse, if you don't keep on top of them.

Yep, so turn on some music and just think about how amazing your kitchen will look after you are done. It is really the same as life. The more you put up things which need to be done the more they create chaos in your mind. Because things start building up until the small problem becomes a big problem. Just like the mountain of dishes. :)

Thank you for stopping by my amazing friend. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts. Have the best day ever. :)