A Grave Yard Clean Up. Giving A Little Back To The Community.

in #blog5 years ago

Guys, sometimes in life helping others can be so rewarding.

My wife pointed out to me that someone on her Facebook had posted a heartfelt post about the state of our local graveyard.

This was about 2 weeks ago, and she stated that she had been to tend her Grandparents graves, and it wasn't easily accessible because of the state that the yard was in.

A lot of people commented on the state and that no one had touched it since last year, she had got hold of the council to ask them to come and do it and she was told it was a private company that dealt with it and was out of her hands.

She then posted that she had got hold of the private company who had told her that they are behind on all the groundwork in areas due to COVID, but they would be on this one within a week as she had complained about it.

After a week I drove past to see if it had been cleared but still no one had touched it, I contacted the lady who then phoned to complain once again, and she was told they were not doing that site anymore and it was taken from them months ago.

I then told the lady that I didn't mind helping out as I could fit this job in around my other work that I had on today.


Every grave and every path was overgrown, it was like a little grass jungle, I decided to take a walk around it first to see what I was up against.


I have some super cool equipment that can easy smash through this job in a matter of minutes but I had to make a choice in what to do.


With it been a graveyard I didn't want to hit the land too hard as I could cause some serious damage to gravestones.

I decided to go at it with a strimmer using a 2.4 nylon line to cut through it all, this was the best idea, as I also didn't know what was under the grass, such as stones and other projectiles.


I started at the top and made my way down the yard, this picture was as I just finished the first little bit to a big job.


This was the path that you had to walk down, it was covered with nettles and other sharp things, my strimmer made light work of it.



All in all, I was impressed with what I had done, I took a few pictures and sent them to the lady who wanted it done. she was so happy, she told me that to see it as clear as that brought tears to her eyes, which made me feel happy for her as I knew I had done a good job.

I didn't charge anything for this job, I did it because it needed doing and I had a little free time on my hands, and you never know if I ever needed something doing in the future other people might help me.

What do you think?

Until next time stay safe.


Wow that's a terrific thing you did...

Thank you. :D

Good for you! That's community service right there. Terrible the pass around the lady got from the council and company. But hurrah for you getting your anarchist on and taking care of it for everyone! <3

!BEER This is also an #ophumanangels!

Lol, I love Beer, :D
I felt so bad for her, she was just trying to get it done so she could see her grandparents, and I know how I would feel if I was in that situation.
sometimes a community needs to help each other to get what they want :D

BEER Hey @artonmysleeve, here is a little bit of from @phoenixwren for you. Enjoy it!

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Kudos to you. I did a post a while ago, about forgotten souls in an old cemetery that, aside from mowing, had not been maintained. It was a somber time seeing all those forgotten graves.

It was a little chilling today while I was there, there was no one around, only me, and I was trying my best to be respectful while doing the job.
I tried to strim over the graves without touching the soil, it was something I never thought I would do, but when it gets like that someone needs to do it don't they.