Do you have something that you love to collect? Well mine happens to be collecting cat items! I've been collecting it as far as I can remember. I don't know where and how it all started. I just found my self getting addicted to collect cat stuffs. If it fits my budget, then I'll buy it. 😺😻😻

I've never been tried to pet any cat. A pet that I can call my own. When I was young, my grandmother used to have two cats namely "Carlos" the all white cat and "Ampon" (Addopted) the black and white cat.
When we transferred to another house there's this strayed cat who always sleep inside our backyard. My son loves this cat so much that he even gave names to her four kittens.
I am afraid that my son's asthma might triggered because of its' furr. But I am glad that it doesn't. Seeing him play along with that cat, feeding it and taking care of it makes me happy. Oh by the way, he named this cat "Maningming". She is an all black clingy cat.

I am still collecting cat stuffs as of today and I don't know when will I stop doing so (guess I won't get tired collecting). As my love for this collection grows each day, the happier I am. Those are just some of what I have with me. There's still more and will definitely collect more in the future!

How about you? Are we collecting the same stuff? Or you have different collection from mine?
photos are all mine using Lenovo A6600|iphone 4|Starmobile Diamond D1 .
A cat's normal temperature varies around 101 degrees Fahrenheit.
Wow! thank you for that information 😻😽
Approximately 40,000 people are bitten by cats in the U.S. annually.
Is there any anti rabis for cats?
Florence Nightingale owned more than 60 cats in her lifetime.
A cat lover is called an Ailurophilia (Greek: cat+lover).
Thank you for sharing 😺 Now I know 😺😺😺
In ancient Egypt, mummies were made of cats, and embalmed mice were placed with them in their tombs. In one ancient city, over 300,000 cat mummies were found.
Great collection! I usually see girls with hello kitty collectipns but I find your cat collection more interesting! Haha. I think I’ll remember you now everytime I see cat collectibles. :)
Really you will remember me then? That's so nice to hear! Thank you.
I used to love HK when I was young. I believe it is very common for the young girls to love HK because I love it back then. (I still do but not that much) While I was growing up, I lost the interest in collecting HK stuffs and shifted to the real cat faces one.
Sure :) Yea HK is kinda common. I think you’re the first one I met with real cat faces collections that’s why it’ll be hard to forget you!
Oh my heart! Thank you for that 😍
Please specify on what camera or phone camera did u use for ur images.
Noted po Tita :)