The new guys in the network (Los chicos nuevos en la red)

in #blog6 years ago


Today I am starting a journey in a network which I do not know, the questions are many, and although there is a section of "frequently asked questions" the inexperience does not help much to really know what I am looking for, because it is worth noting that, I do not know ...

And that happens to me to think, 'Could it be that I really know what I'm looking for?
Sometimes I think that human beings are not clear about what we really want, for example, women asked for a "Blue Prince" and when it comes, it turns out that it was not the blue we wanted ... WE ARE A BOX OF PANDORA, THE BEST EXISTING PARADOX, instead of calling us Human Beings, shows race should be Human Paradox ...

But is that really bad?
There are many things in life that are bad for some people but for others not, I call it, Subjective Evil.

That subjective evil is perhaps responsible for not knowing what we want, or what we are looking for ...

I, make a list about what I want, to know what is more accurate what I want ...

Let's see how it goes, I'll tell you ...

Now in Spanish

Hoy estoy comenzando una travesia en una red la cual no conozco, las preguntas son muchas, y aunque hay una seccion de "preguntas frecuentes" la inexperiencia no ayuda mucho a saber realmente que es lo que busco, porque cabe resaltar que, no lo se...

Y eso me pace pensar, 'Sera querealmente se que es lo que busco?
a veces creo que lo seres humanos no estamos claros de lo que realmente queremos, por ejemplo, las mujeres pedimos un "Principe Azul" y cuando llega, resulta que no era el azul que querimos... SOMOS UNA CAJA DE PANDORA, LA MEJOR PARADOJA EXISTENTE, en lugar de llamarnos Seres Humanos, muestra raza deberia ser Paradoja Humana...

Pero, eso realmente es malo?
Hay muchas cosas en la vida que son malas para unas personas pero para otras no, yo lo llamo, La Maldad Subjetiva.

Esa maldad sibjetiva es tal vez la responsable de no saber lo que queremos, ni lo que estamos buscando...

Yo, hago una lista sobre lo que quiero, para saber lo aproximadamente mas exacto lo que quiero...

A ver como me va, ya les contare...

Steemit: @angelesmonacda
Instagram: @psicoangeles
Credits: Original internet image