How to Let Your Soul Guide You

in #blog7 years ago

Ever feel like what was happening in your life is a sign? These blatant acts of soul guidance are often overlooked by people, because these hints and clues are written off as mere feelings. Yet, if you have been tuning into your intuition and learning how to tap into your innate superpowers, you will eventually come to understand that these instances are actually real signs you need to be taking into consideration.

Your soul knows better than you do. As odd as it sounds, you have to let your soul guide you more and stop worrying about what you think you should do.


Obligation Interferes With Life
Our internal, worldly soul is always with us—because it is our soul. In spite of this, people will cut themselves off by putting up barriers of obligation or societal norms and the idea that there are things we have to do.

We put up with jobs that we absolutely loathe because the money is good. We tolerate the relative that treats us horribly because they are family. We listen to the toxic “friend,” because we have known them for years.

We endure boring education, get married, have children, and only enjoy life after hitting retirement.

This happens all because we are interrupting what the world perceives as what should be done to be successful or what have you. All this pattern of behaviors perpetuates is unhappiness and the complete shutdown of our passions.

Open Up To Your Soul
When you are not actively listening to intuition and spiritual guidance, the universe will decide to intercept the issue. Since you cannot actually receive handwritten messages or texts from your soul asking what the heck you are thinking, the only choice there is to make you listen is physical symptoms or other forms of rude awakening.

Do not wait for a literal sign to come down like a bolt of lightning. Open up and let your soul guide you. There is really no set formula that can help you listen more fully to your soul. Though, by going in accordance with your intuition, you will eventually find a way that works for you.

Here are some tips to try:

1. Meditation
When you focus on the breath and quiet the mind, you can figure out a lot more about what is happening in the world around than trying to be active. Allow your body and the universe to communicate to you through a feeling of oneness. Cultivate it regularly, and soon you will have a connection to the world wherever you find yourself.

2. Release Expectations
“Life doesn’t give us purpose. We give life purpose.” – The Flash

Expectations are the root of all our obligations. You are expected to take care of someone, you are expected to get a decent job after being expected to complete college. You are expected to do a lot of things with life, but those expectations mean nothing if you do not believe in them 100%. What matters is what you believe in.

3. Listen To Yourself
Tony Stark once said: “I shouldn’t be alive, unless it was for a reason. I know what I have to do, and I know what is right.”

Sometimes you simply have to follow your heart, even when your brain is saying whatever you plan to do is wrong. The brain might have all of our smarts, but it is not the most intelligent organ in our body. When you find the thing that you cannot go a day without thinking about, that invigorates you to your core, you have to pursuit it.

Secondly, you have to listen to the world. Appreciate what you can perceive with all your senses, and avoid putting up blinders.

4. Eat for Nutrition
So, as much as I to say it, you are what you consume. Following a spiritual path means giving yourself the proper fuel. Avoid ultra-processed foods, and instead of living to eat, eat to live. When you have a balanced diet, you will be more awake and open to the signs that your soul is giving you.

Letting your soul guide you might take some practice. Humans have been conditioned by society to cancel out our intuition to live in accordance to obligations. Know that it is okay to listen to your gut and do what your heart desires. Live to make you soul happy, and you will find that the inner voice becomes more and more clear.

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