Hi Mark from an unschooling family. The same thing is starting to happen in the UK now, with nasty insidious bills coming in to basically force home/unschooling parents to be "regulated" by the state. In so many ways I cannot tell you how wrong this feels. We keep getting told that our daughter "won't learn anything unless she's at school", which just makes me laugh, as she's learned so much already, without ever having had a single a day in a school or a nursery. Or indeed without us her loving parents. And when you understand that the state (especially in the UK) for YEARS AND YEARS has both turned a blind eye to, and in many cases been complicit in the direct abuse of children who were supposedly in their care. It genuinely makes me angry when I think that the state thinks that our kids belong to them. They have no idea of the power of a Daddy Bear to defend his cubs!!!
Great post...keep it up, and let's keep telling people about the joy, power and exceptional results of living as a none-mainstream-education family. It's so much more fun experiencing different things in the world WITH your children, than spending your time in a soul-less office whilst your precious ones are in a government indoctrination camp.
Big follow. Thanks for the post!
It seems we have much in common, it's a shame that the uk gov is cracking down on home education, I thought that was the one thing uk had going for it was the fact homeschooling was accepted, we have lots of friends there that home school.
I've heard about the fines, but thought as long as you're kids never started school then it was OK.
I grew up in care in England and know all to well what it's like to be "looked after" by social services. I have friends from care with stories that would give you nightmares.
I feel this is a great place for people like us to get the word out there, I have not received one nasty comment since being here, just pure love and support.
Let's keep in touch :)
Thanks for reaching out to usThank you @anarcotech