Apart from this post, you do obviously seem very interested in putting effort into steem and making it grow, and that's what i'm interested in, not adopting new sets of beliefs, several of which i've seen or heard no remotely convincing information.
We can agree to disagree on a lot of that stuff, and still talk about the more definitely IRL things that can be of great value to steem, like actual "IDEAS". The biggest and most supported ideas i've seen so far, seem to be copycats of external services provided off chain by many companies. That's not getting us to popular adoption unless those services get GREAT, technically, and in terms of how they work/result in production.
Is there a great idea here? Like something truly different from slightly different youtube clones? Utopian i have zero problem with. DTube seems to be putting up some original content. Zappl seems to have a decent chance.
Anything truly new that might actually give the world a reason to care that we exist?
Some of the genius here, NEEDS to be on truly original and innovative projects.
I would love your opinions at least on that. What do you see that's "DIFFERENT" [but good]