Islam is not a religion of rubbish, islam love peace (help irish people from starvation)

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

@lexiconical, we Muslims are very confused with what you have cluttered in your post, Islam is not a garbage religion and the ideology that you claim it is duping the public. Try to learn more about Islam and the rules in it
Islam never encourages endless wars for the conquest of religion,

The conversion of violence or the execution of all the unfaithful, peace-loving Islam, Islam teaches peace to all its followers, in the holy book the Qur'an states, the translation is as follows "if you are honored with a reverence, then pay back the honor to the better, or (reply with the like), ALLAH calculates everything (QS.An-Nisa '86)
And have you ever read the history of the goodness of the Sultan Abdul majjid1 helping the Irish people who were overcome by the famine at that time

In 1845 in Ireland there was a famine that caused 1 million people Irish death, about 1.5 million other people to Australia, America Canada and some other European countries

Potatoes that became the staple food of Irish people attacked the disease at that time, many potato farmers who failed to harvest. The disease infects the garden of potatoes through leaves. Leaved leaves and potatoes to grow, the disease is caused by the attack of micro-organisms in Latin mention phytophthora instances. plus again suffering poverty experienced by that time due to colonized by English,

The leader of Daulah Usmaniayah (Turkey), Sultan Abdul Majjid 1 after hearing the news, the sultan decided to help the Irish, the 27-year-old sovereign, planned to donate 10,000 pounds. The 10,000-pound sterling fund of that time was worth 1.7 million USD / 22 billion IDR

England also took part in helping for Ireland, Queen Victoria's English leadership only sent 1,000 pounds, so as not to offend Queen Victoria, Sultan Abdul Mosque was advised to reduce its aid far greater than the British seizure leaders to 1,000 pounds to be equal to the Queen such assistance was sent on 31 March 1847 AD

Since the Sultan had reduced the planned funds, the sultan replaced with 3 ships full of food, the journey to Ireland as far as 6400 kilometers away, imagine one sending food/food aid to the Irish rinkers whose majority of catholyte from far away from many!

The English royalty did not open a permit to the aid ship sent by the Sultan Abdul Majjid 1 to anchor at the port of Dublin, but with the almighty permission of the sultan's good intentions, in May 1847 AD the captain of the ship quietly managed to anchor in Northern Ireland, and lowered the aid they brought in the small town of Drog Heda, Ireland
The ship envoy Sultan Abdul mosque 1 that brought food in the form of wheat and corn,

It's a brief history of Islamic goodness toward non-Muslims, so if you hate someone or a religion try to learn more about who you hate, what you see from the outside is not necessarily the same as what you see, the logic when you see a red glossy red apple from there do you know that the contents in good or bad, not true ...? so also with what you see from them,

But they did wrong ... !!!!

Yes, when they err not their religion teaches like that. And cannot directly be sentenced religion, followers of other religions also never do wrong, whether their religion teaches like that ...? not also possible.

And I am also very sure, if you really understand the real Islam, surely you will no longer declare Islam is a terrorist, Islam it teaches peace love, if Islam is declared a terrorist is very deviant with the teachings of Islam, you can imagine if you have common sense,

If Islam is terrorist and pushing peperang, as you have stated really Non-Muslim community residing in Indonesia can not live peacefully because majority of Indonesian people are Muslim, but you can see the reality they live harmonious, peaceful, and never Muslims disturbing them, never burning places of worship, not forcing them to join in Islam, I think only people who do not want to think like you who declare "Islamic religion garbage"

And I suggest for you Mr. @xiconiconical who feel yourself smart, I implore to learn deeper history and use your wits in a useful place, do not blame one party with a small problem in big magnate

Try to explore the religious complications that occurred in Myanmar, who started it. Is Islam ..?
No, Islam is expelled from the land of Myanmar because of its predominantly Islamic spirits are forced to follow Buddhism, when they argue that they do not want to follow Buddhism, they are in war, their houses are burned, women are raped and they fled to neighboring countries, if you do not do it like that now,

safe and peaceful And you learn also the complications of Palestinians, there is also not Islam that started it, do you not can see the cruelty of Zionist Israel that kills baby baby who are innocent, do you think that barbaric is reasonable, when they slaughter the Palestinians why never violate human rights, whether the ham is only applicable to Muslims alone,
you try to think healthy, When Islam through violence violate them Human rights and while non-Muslims slaughter all with inhuman violence do notviolates human rights, for example Israel and Buddhist Myanmar what because they are not human so that human rights law does not apply to them ...

And also you need to know JIHAD problem in Islam, I briefly explain to you, Jihad it is Islam defense procedure self not to encourage war, Islam is a jihad for no reason, not because of a hobby in war, if Islam is not in hardened they will not jihad, Islam is gentle, gentle is not a weak heart just Islam does not like to disturb others but in the Islam they will not be silent they must make resistance, that resistance is said with Jihad, Once again I remind you and I do not want to make you offended, if you want to sentence something please learn in detail do not originate the sound, take responsibility for the words that have been issued.


@lexiconical, kami muslim sangat tersingung dengan apa yang yang telah anda nyantakan dalam postingan anda, Islam itu bukan agama sampah dan idiologi yang anda nyatakan itu adalah pembodohan publick. Coba anda pelajari lebih dalam tentang islam dan aturan yang ada didalamnya

Islam tidak pernah mendorong peperangan yang tak berkesudahan untuk penaklukan agama, konversi kekerasan atau eksekusi semua yang tidak setia,Islam cinta damai, islam mengajarkan kedamaian untuk semua pengikutnya, dalam kitab suci alquran menyatakan, terjemahnya sebagai berikut “apabila kamu dihormati dengan suatu penghormatan, maka balaslah penghormatan itu dengan yang lebih baik,atau (balas dengan yang serupa),sesungguhnya ALLAH memperhitungkan segala sesuatu (QS.An-Nisa’ 86 )

Dan pernahkah anda membaca sejarah kebaikan sultan Abdul majjid1 membantu masyarakat irlandia yang di timpa bencana kelaparan di kala itu
Pada tahun 1845 di irlandian terjadi bencana kelaparan yang menyebabkan 1 juta jiwa masyarakat irlandia meninggal dunia, sekita 1,5 juta jiwa lainnya mengunggsi ke australia, ameriak kanada dan beberapa negara eropa lainnya
Kentang yang menjadi makanan pokok masyarakat irlandia diserang penyakit dimasa itu,banyak petani kentang yang gagal panen. Penyakit itu menginfeksi taman kentang melalui daun. Daunpun layu dan kentang sulik untuk tumbuh ,penyakit itu disebabkan oleh serangan mikro organisme dalam bahasa latin di sebutkan phytophthora infstans.Ditambah lagi derita kemiskinan yang dialami oleh kala itu akibat di jajah oleh inggris,bencana kelaparanpun diderita mereka

Pimpinan Daulah Usmaniayah(Turki), Sultan Abdul Majjid 1 setelah mendengar berita tersebut, sultan memutuskan untuk menolong masyarakat irlandia,sulatan yang saat itu masih berumur 27 tahun, berencana mendonasiakan dana sebesar 10.000 poundsterling.dana sebesar 10.000 paundsterling dimasa itu senilai dengan 1.7 juta USD/ 22 miliar IDR
Inggris juga ikut serta dalam membantu untuk irlandia, Pimpinan kerjaan inggris Ratu Victoria hanya mengirim 1.000 poundsterling, agar tidak menyinggung perasaan Ratu Victoria, Sultan abdul majjid disarankan untuk mengurangi bantuannya yang jauh lebih besar dari Pimpinan kejaan inggris menjandi 1.000 poundsterling supaya sama dengan Ratu, da bantuan tersebut dikirimkan pada 31 maret 1847 M.

Karena Sultan telah mengurangi dana yang telah di rencanakan,kemudian sultan mengantikan dengan 3 buah kapal yang penuh dengan makanan, jauhnya perjalanan untuk menuju Irlandia sejauh 6.400 kilometer, banyangkan seorang mengirim bantuan pangan/makanan untuk rakyak irlandia yang mayoritas beragama katolit dari jauh yang jumlahnya begitu banyak!

Pihak kerajaan inggris tidak membukan izin kepada kapal bantuan yang di kirimkan oleh sultan abdul majjid untuk berlabuh di pelabuhan kota Dublin, namun dengan izin yang maha kuasa atas niat baik sultan, pada mei 1847 M. Kapten kapal secara diam diam berhasil melabuh di bagian arah utara irlandia,dan menurunkan bantuan yang dibawa mereka dikota kecil Drog Heda, irlandia

Kapal utusan Sultan abdul majjid 1 itu membawa makanan berupa gandum dan jagung,
Itu sejarah singkat dari kebaikan islam terhadap non-muslim, jadi jika anda benci terhadap seseorang atau sebuah agama coba anda pelajari lebih mendetil tentang siapa anda benci, apa yang anda lihat dari luar belum tentu dalamnya sama dengan apa yang anda lihat,logikanya saat anda melihat sebuah apel yang luarnya merah mengkilat dari situ apakah anda tahu bahwa isi dalam baik atau buruk, tidak benar...? begitu juga dengan apa yang anda lihat dari mereka,

Tapi mereka berbuat salah...!!!!

Ya, disaat mereka berbuat salah bukan agamanya mengajarkan seperti demikian. Dan tidak bisa lansung memgvonis agamanya, pengikut agama agama lain juga pernah berbuat salah, apakah agama mereka mengajarkan seperti itu...? tidak juga mungkin.

Dan saya juga sangat yakin, bila anda benar memahami islam yang sebenarnya,pasti anda tidak akan lagi menyatakan islam itu teroris, Islam itu itu mengajarkan cinta damai, bila islam itu dinyatakan teroris sangatlah menyimpang dengan ajaran islam,anda bisa bayangkan jika anda memiliki akal sehat, bila islam itu teroris dan mendorong peperang, seperti yang telah anda nyatakan sungguh Masyarakat Non muslim yang berada di indonesia tidak bisa hidup dengan damai karena mayoritas masyarakat Indonesia beragama islam, tapi anda bisa lihat kenyataannya mereka hidup rukun, damai, dan tidak pernah umat islam mengganggu mereka, tidak pernah membakar tempat ibadah, tidak memaksa mereka untuk bergabung dalam islam, saya rasa hanya orang yang tidak mahu berfikir seperti anda yang menyatakan “Islam agama sampah”

Dan saya sarankan untuk anda Tuan @lexiconical yang merasa diri anda pintar, saya mohon sangat untuk belajar sejarah lebih dalam dan pergunakanlah akalmu di tempat yang berguna, jangan salahkan satu pihak dengan masalah yang kecil di besar besarkan
Coba anda telusuri komplik agama yang terjadi di myanmar, siapa yang memulainya. Islamkah..?
Tidak, islamlah yang di usir dari tanah myanmar karena penduduk rohingya yang mayoritas islam dipaksakan untuk memnganut agama budha, ketika mereka membantah tidak mahu mengikuti agama Budha, mereka di perang, rumah rumah mereka di bakar, perempuan di perkosa hingga mereka melarikan diri ke negara tetangga, andai islam indonesia berbuat hal serupa dengan budha myamanmar sungguh Non muslim di indonesia tidak seperti yang dirasakan sekarang, aman dan damai

Dan anda pelajari juga komplik palestina,disana juga bukan islam yang memulainya,apakah anda tidsk bisa melihat kekejaman yang dilakukan zionis israel yang membunuh bayi bayi yang tak berdosa, menurut anda hal yang biadap itu wajar wajar saja, saat mereka membantai palestina kenapa tidak pernah melanggar Hak Asasi Manusia(HAM),apakah ham itu hanya berlaku untuk muslim saja, coba anda berfikir secara sehat, saaat islam melalukan kekerasan mereka melanggar HAM dan disaat non Muslim membantai semua dengan kekerasan yang tidak manusiawi tidak melanggar Ham,contohnya Israel Dan Budha Myanmar apa karena mereka bukan manusia sehingga hukum hak asasi manusia tidak berlaku pada mereka...?

Dan juga perlu anda ketahui permasalah JIHAD dalam islam, secara singkat saya jelaskan kepada anda, Jihad itu adlah tatacara islam membela diri bukan untuk mendorong peperangan,islam jidah karena ada alasan, bukan karena hobi dalam berperang, bila islam tidak di tindas mereaka tidak akan berjihad, islam itu lemah lembut, lemah lembut itu bukan berati lemah hanya saja islam tidak suka mengganggu yang lain tapi di saat islam di ganggu mereka tidak akan diam pasti mereka membuat perlawanan, perlawanan itulah yang dikatakan dengan Jidad,
Sekali lagi saya ingatkan dan saya tidak ingin membuat anda tersinggung, bila anda ingin memvonis sesuatu tolong pelajari secara mendetil jangan asal bunyi, orang pandai itu adalah orang yang bisa mempertanggung jawabkan perkataan yang telah di keluarkannya.


Thank you for a good stance and a well written post in response to that unfortunate and offensive post attacking Islam.
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Well said dear Ahmed.
While we are always happy to read others' thoughts and open for debates, yet it is unfortunate to see such level of offensive language being used. Thank you for taking the time to write on our behalf this kind response, and glad to have met you and fellow Indonesians on discord too!

We are all like one body, so when one of us hurt, we must also be a pain

those who believe in the bible get back to the history of Isaac 2 sons Ismael and Isaac. Both became a great nation as promise. "Isaac seed is the one who was called" or the promise nation...Ismael got a nation too as a descendants of Abraham. Ismael became the prophet in you can pattern here the history...however noone is to be judge...not even God did...everyone has a chance to do what is a man destined to return back to God! Religion is a very broad topic...just get back to to God and be good.

Pada saat postingan @lexiconical muncul sudah saya berikan tulisan balasan beberapa jam kemudian dan memberikan tanggapan pada kolom komentar.
Sedari si Lexi memang sudah menyatakan begini "siapa yang mengatakan bahwa dia adalah racist maka orangbtersebut adalah bodoh" logika yang dipakainya adalah Racist berkaitan dengan ras, bukan dengan agama.
Ketika diposting si lexi, paginya dalam grup discord saya sampaikan apakah ada hukuman bagi mereka yang sampaikan isu miring ttg penghinaan agama. Tnyata tidak ada, hanya sekedar di flag saja tindakannya. Diakhir tulisan saya itu saya cantumkan tidak perlu berlebihan lagi, saya emosi sejak awal postingan tsb ternyata masuk perangkapnya untuk komen dan bgitu juga yang lain. Dan inilah agendanya. Sengaja menyulut emosi agar dia viral. Dia akan makin besar ditanggapi dan dikomentari. Semoga jadi ibrah bg kita semua. Salam kenal @ahmedyusuf

Greetings from return, I've been long since I ve been active but because her days are making me annoyed, for any religion I am willing

It's interesting that you say

"Sultan Abdul Mosque was advised to reduce its aid far greater than the British seizure leaders"

to 10% so as not to "offend" the Queen of England. It has always been a controversial opinion in this country to blame the British monarchy for the 50% reduction in Irish population in Ireland. By many of us it is considered as an attempted holocaust of the Irish. Ireland was under British rule at this time. They were not responsible for the potato blight, but they were responsible for the export of all other agricultural products, and the reasons we relied so much on potatoes in the first place.

Farmed on land that belonged to the Irish until it was forcefully seized by the British. They no longer owned the land they grew the food on but potatoes were easy to grow in surplus.

It was because of this great famine the Irish started to reclaim their ownership of their country, and 60 years later, the descendants of the survivers became the martyrs of the Easter Rising 1916 which led to our independence 5 years later.

That's what taught us in our religion, cherish And Respect,

de velera? - villain or hero?

Neither. This is history, not a fairytale.

I presumed you were from Ireland, so was interested, is all.

Having lived there for a while, I had some very interesting discussions, and some very different perspectives expressed...

I didn't mean to sound offended by the question, I just resent the narrative of hero/villain that we're spoon fed by the mass media (American) because the real world is not so black and white.

hero/ villain was the the most expedient way to express my question.

Assamualaikum, ahmedyusuf. I am also brimming with anger when I read the post about "Islam being a garbage religion". Islam is a religion of peace, not terror.

This is what happens when there is no Khilafah on this Earth. Nearly a 100 years passed since the Ottoman Empire. I have deep respects for all of the sultans of the Empire especially Sultan Abdul Hamid as the last Sultan who fought his might to keep the Empire from breaking apart but to no avail. Upvoted!

Waalaikum salam,

yo pienso que la paz es lo mas bonito que hay , y respeto la religión de cada uno amo la paz

también amamos la paz

terimakasih,banyak pembelajaran yg saya dapat setelah membaca postingan anda membuka mata kita untuk merubah cara pandang mereka yang menganggap agama kita ini kejam,Allahhuakbar.....

I don't really want to discuss religion here because this is social media but because it S her doing pisses me off

The fact that people keep arguing whether or not a religion is good is a big problem. There shouldn't be so much confusion coming from something that should essentially make lives better.

It is misdirected blame in order to control a nation through hate. There is no accountability for a country waging war against the "bad guys".

basically we Muslims do not plant hatred, but what can we do, our religion is reviled, I am very disappointed in their cheating in steemit, but we believe steemit is an application or a social media that is very tolerant to all religions, but lately, why they which is really evil once issued a dirty word for our religion of prayer, all day I am currently in a state of sadness, what is our fault, remember aceh people abstinence in order to buy crime, Muslims in aceh will speak,

pada dasarnya kita muslim tidak menanam kebencian, tapi apa yang bisa kita lakukan, agama kita dicerca, saya sangat kecewa dengan kecurangan mereka di steemit, tapi kami percaya steemit adalah aplikasi atau media sosial yang sangat toleran terhadap semua agama, tetapi akhir-akhir ini , mengapa mereka yang benar-benar jahat sekali mengeluarkan kata kotor untuk agama kita berdoa, sepanjang hari aku saat ini dalam keadaan sedih, apa kesalahan kita, ingat aceh orang pantangan untuk membeli kejahatan, Muslim di aceh akan berbicara,


To be clear, because I'm not sure if it translated well, I am talking about nations of north America being controlled by fear and hate so that they can irresponsibly justify their wars against Islamic countries. It is not religion that teaches this hate. I can see that. In comparison to the hate I see for Islamic people I rarely come across hate from them. When we do hear about it, it is always either Isis or propagated extremists that are represented and only by the haters of Islam. I don't see it posted by Islamic people that I know. I base my understanding of people on the real world, not what media publishers would want me to believe to help validate their radical beliefs and immoral actions.

It is not your fault what other people choose to believe, or if they choose to ignore your defence. Some people are so emotionally distraught by the violence of people that they need to find something to blame, and unfortunately their blame is easily misdirected as the problems are not easily solved.

What is your opinion of the issues listed in this post - increased incidents of rape and homicides?

I think the sexual harassment that they are talking about is possible, is something that is done by people provocation between Islam and non-Islam, so he perceives Islam is radical, then he should have to learn about the brief history of Islam first, just say things how right, he just use our barbaric minds, for what to make sense but at the end of it makes the hearts of people painful,

I will make a post today, I am a religious teacher, I am tolerant but if this is done then I will not be silent

Thank you, @beanz for your solidarity on this important issue, and I do hope that you might also visit my response to the disturbing post by Lex:

ISIS is also the cause of the recent war here in one of our Island Mindanao here...they are really one of kind war initiator...dont know what is their reason of doing that....

Great writing, I am amazed by the history of Turkey, until the moment Islam is still number one, still very few would want to see Islam with kindness.

It's become a human custom that always judge from the side of the unsuccessful without rescuing it first

Thank you ahmed yousuf for this beautiful reply ,Yes Islam is the religion of love and kindness

Thanks too guys


"Islam never encourages endless wars for the conquest of religion " you say ! That is simply put a lie and you know it full well @ahmedyusuf !

"Seek out your enemies relentlessly." (Surah 4:103-)

"Believers, take neither Jews nor Christians for your friends." (Surah 5:51)

"Make war on them until idolatry shall cease and God's religion shall reign supreme." (Surah 8:36-)

"...make war on the leaders of unbelief...Make war on them: God will chastise them at your hands and humble them. He will grant you victory over them..." (Surah 9:12-)

"Fight against such as those to whom the Scriptures were given [Jews and Christians]...until they pay tribute out of hand and are utterly subdued." (Surah 9:27-)

"Muhammad is God's apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another." (Surah 48:29)

should I go on ?? Your religion is not a religion, its a political doctrine based on war, subjugation and enslavement of non Muslims ! So when you claim your religion is one based on Peace and respect then you either have not read your" holy " book or you are misleading this community with things which are not true !


be provided that right, what you have mentioned above in the comments do not correspond to the actual content of even very much distorted its meaning, do not translate the origin
QS 4:103 stated about the prayer, however your particular translation is much different

In Kenya, they strike innocent people all the time. They ask guys to recite the prayer. If you can't, you're killed. Muslims survive. This is not a story: it has happened in my country. As I said above, for something that's supposed to be a good thing, religion is something else.

We've had the same type of conflict in Christian ireland between catholics and protestants. Religion doesn't create enemies, people do.

complicated or not happened, it's all there is cause. sometimes making a region complicated by an unwise leader. or there is also a result of provocation, and there is also a result of hard head. but in fact no one wants his life to get a failure in life. but because one of them there are pros and cons. that's where the battle took place.

Isn't it time we asked ourselves whether religion is doing more harm than good. This could be equated to the gun or no-gun argument. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. But should guns be everywhere?

I do agree that it probably does more harm than good. But I believe people should be allowed to voluntarilly follow whatever religion suits them if they find a benefit to being part of a community of the same belief system. 9 times out of 10 religion is about teaching morality. On the grand scale, it becomes harmful when it is used to control people, because knowing what people firmly believe makes them vulnerable to having those beliefs used against them. All you need to do to make something that is immoral perceived as OK (or the lesser evil) is to use their faith in their religion to rationalise it and then start preaching/teaching that through the institution. If the stories and narratives can be manipulated to portray women as greater sinners, or portray sex outside of permission from the church (wedlock) as a sin, then this is what I believe is happening.

Rather than do away with religion completely (as I wouldn't say it's possible) I would say that culturally people need to start teaching acceptance of all faiths and rejection of institutionalised faith. Religion isn't always institutionalised. Sometimes it can be just a community of shared faith, which exists due to human nature. The challenge would be to allow everybody to both accept the existence of other faiths within their community and reject any belief they find morally challenging, regardless of who they learn it from. I think the problems arise when we give full authority to these institutions to command and determine what our religion is.

Agreed! Thank you for arguing it out extremely soberly. Wish you all the light in the world 😊

Born from different mothers skins of all colors come together as brothers. that’s the beauty of Islam.

ya itu benar

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