Super Simple Huge Cheesburger

in #blog8 years ago (edited)

Hi everybody,
This weekend I made super simple and very delicious huge bacon cheesburger! My mum found it on internet so I decided to share it with you in case you don't have much time because to prepare this takes really little time.

What you need:

• Puff pastry 1 big sheet;
• Any kind of cheese slices (I used 12 slices);
• Bacon 1 pack;
• Turkey mince 800g(or you can use beef, pork..);
• Onion 1/2 finely chopped;
• Garlic 1 tbsp;
• Salt 1 tbsp;
• Mocarella cheese (4 chunks);
• 2 Egg yolks;
• Sesame seeds 1 tsp;

How to do:
Put on the baking form baking paper and puff pastry on it. Put all the cheese slices and next bacon.
Then take the turkey mince, put onion, garlic, salt and mix everything. You need to shape meat in rectangular and in the middle of meat along the way put mocarella inside. After that you need put that rectangular shape meat on the puff pastry and roll it up. It should look like this.
In the end oil the egg yolks all the roll and sprinkle sesame seeds.
Bake for 40min in 180 C/350 F. To prepare you will need only like 10 minutes.
I ate it with some fries. Taste is soo good!
Enjoy it!


Wow, that looks really yummy and crisp! I bet it tasted quite good. :) Thanks for the directions on how to make it.

It was very tasty and I felt really full after that..