in #blog7 years ago


When selecting friends, there are 5 traits that need attention. If there are 5 traits, one deserves to be a friend.

  1. Smart: A friend must be smart. Being friendly with fools does not do good at all. This happens, because if he wishes to do something good to us, it is not a benefit of giving up mudharat.

  2. Good morality: Attitudes of loyalty and kindness are not found in people who have bad morals. One example of bad morality is a person who can not control lust and anger. The need to be friends with people of good character is because he will take care of you when you serve him. In addition, when he speaks, the words that came out were subtle. As soon as he sees the good of you, he will understand how self-worthy you are. Conversely, when you see something wrong from you, he will cover it.

  3. Shaleh: Do not be friends with people who dare to sin continuously because people who fear Allah SWT certainly will not commit sin continuously. Every evil of a figure who is not afraid of Allah SWT should be avoided.

  4. Qana'ah: Do not approach people who are too ambitious about the world because their sincerity is usually temporary. Companionship with such a person is a deadly poison because his character and character are volatile. Keep in mind that anyone who gets along with a figure who has this nature will have the same properties. However, people who get along with zahid (people who are not globalized) then he will find peace.

  5. Honesty: Do not mix with liars. Making friends with liars is like a mirage. He will show you something close that feels far away and far away to you.