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RE: Our Child Is Being Put On The Child Protection Services List Because We Refuse To Send Her To School....What is Freedom...Are We Free?

in #blog8 years ago

This is why having children is such a scarey thing now, they can use them to control you they can threaten them to make you do whatever you want, such a liability, look at alex jones, they threaten his kids and he does whatever the FBI wants, look at trump, they threaten his family and now trumpo is their slave. It realy sucks, and untill we hgave a decentralized world, its really hard to bring life intothis world the way it is, without at LEAST trying a little harder to decentralized it! And the only way is for each of us to make enough money , each of us, making million maybe billions, we HAVE to do it, we HAVE to control the money supply! e can do it with crypto, we can fuck over the entire banking system collapse it and then replace it with our own system!

We must continue our efforts with crypto currency! Its the only way, its the ONLY thing e CAn do!

I have been notciing SO MANY censored peopel on youtube deleted channels peopel AFRAID to speak tgheir mine im inviting them all to steemit and i have plans to scout out ALL of the websites theat youteb and google are banning, everyone on every social media black list i will be banning to steemit! peopel with contrpoversial ideas will find a home here , sadly the lft is super brainwashed and is stcuk on the gogle youtube facebook plantation its the right that will b FOCED to use steemit and decentralized stuff like bitcoin so by teh time he left realizes its under totalitarian control and decides to jump ship and jopin steemit, they will arrive to see the right in control of all teh steemppower but since we actually believe in free speech we wont bully or censor them even tho e will have all the power now! we will actually create a space for free speech here!

Anyway the child question, its cvery much a fear moingring game! they are just trying to scare you! if you havent abused you child then CPS has no case to come take you children, your free to also move with the money we will help you riuse OR aford the licenses to become your OWN PRIOVATE SCHOOL! or hire a tutor or whatever they force you to do with thir 1984 checkups did they even find out your child ISNT rtegietered? thyre just keping trck of every child evrywhere now? so theyre basicaly pedophiles keeping stock of their victims...thats WHAT it is CPS IS A PEDOPHILE nbetwork we ALL know it alx jones exposed it and its TRUE where ELSE would pedophiles go but CPS to take advantage of the defenlsess children ...CPS workersmake me sick, theyre all evil! and even if you THINK youmight know a "good" one the very fact thatthyw ork for uch an evil organization is proof they are evil enough to fuckin not cARE to evenLOOK UP who it is thgeyure working for!

Im sick of us not being at war with eviul, enough giving these fuckers the benefit of the doubt! theres too many greasy socialist communists around us we need to stamp out like the insects they are! Globalists control the leftits and the leftists need serious deprograming, the charlottesville flase flag is starting to realy get out of control

No alt right membver would evr run a car intoi a crowd....its redioculous that they would even believe someone from the altright would ever ever consider doing thatr, its fuckin crazy, and the helicpoter just hapens to crash so nooen can see where the car went??? My god its such a fake false flag nd im SICK of these FAKE LIBERALS acting like it some end all be all political argumentr OH BUT WHAT ABOUT TCHARLOTTESVILL AND THOSE NAZIS dude enough, ibme sick of hearing aboiut some false flag attack whre noone died

the "mpother" of the girl who 'died" had Nop tears and NO emotion No conection with a dead child, you can tell she was an actor, no mother of a dead child acts like that

just like teh sandy hook "dad" I hekld my dead son in my arsm!" not according to the coroner you dumb fuck! Oh and that corner is anothr piece of work 'I got the best photograophers" oh yeah that didnt sound like you were just making shit up as youyre going along! Man the fuycking left is so stupid they fall for anything

We should engineer our own flase flags, non violent of course, burt honestly lets start revving up the coponspiracy
I just realized, the alt left antifa p[eopel are SO retarded, that its sad, and i should pitty them

but they support shit liek CPS there are to many retards iun this country that SUPPOPRT shit like CPS nd ive had ENOGH of fucking governments telling parents their kid has tp go to some government programming center for fucking 8 hours a day everyday or you can go to jail, its fucking totalitarianism and it must end!


Thank you @ackza I agree with you on so many points, the only thing is that the CPS over here actually take children if you plan on homeschooling them, we left in a hurry yesterday after reading this story