Super Power

in #blog7 years ago

Have you ever wished for Super Power? May be you had or may be you already have some? May be you just do not acknowledge?

Sometimes I wonder, on this planet where every individual is just chasing happiness , sometimes in form of importance, sometimes in form of attention, sometimes money, car or house and what not, but does anyone have any clue what true happiness is? How can we get it?

The fact of the matter is we are clueless. Why do we feel unfulfilled after we achieve all the material success we ever desired? Why do so many lovers ( I almost spelt it losers) cheat on each other? Why do more than 60% couple ending divorcing and almost equal amount cheating on each other?

I am a fact and figure guy, I go by probability. These are all figures or facts to support the statement that people are clueless, they do not have any idea about what they really want. What we need is really simple, some attention, some health care and other stuff to breath and eat. We all want to feel important, some of us decide to get a dog and pretend to be happy with the attention they get from their pet. Some have different means, and pointing a gun to another person is nothing but another way feeling important.

When I was a teenager, my mom was worried I will fall for wrong kind of girls. I was too emotional and idealist. I believed love is pure and unconditional, isn't that what love should be?

Well, I am not perfect and i was worse than I am now, but my intentions were ( and are) always genuine. I do not know how to fake any emotion. Over the years, numerous experiences taught me how accurate my mother was and how clueless I was. Romantic love is not unconditional, two people only come close under lot of conditions. Do you look attractive? Are you educated? How much money do you make? What kind vacation you take? What kind of movies do you watch? What kind of music do you like? It is a deal breaker if you are red meat eater and what not. That makes me wonder, as a person ( in the core ) how you are that hardly matters, what matters is your habit or preference. So you can be perfect for another person and you can be a serial killer ( part time) , well remember Dexter ? May be it wasn't fiction after all.

On the other hand I have always felt like an alien , when I was in my country and now. I feel like I am in an island. And that is okay. My priorities are different. For me the person matters most not the habits, habits can be changed, but one never changes from core. You might question your beliefs or principles , but in your heart you will always know what is right and what is not.

I was pretty social till the age 26 - 27. What I saw disgusted me. And knowing I cannot change the world, I decided to change myself. When I was in Australia, I had my first cultural shock. I saw father and son staring at same naked woman dancing on the stage. Then and there /I decided that place wasn't for me. But, I was shallow, with time I realized there is hardly anything right or wrong. Everything is mostly relative. If something is wrong for me, that may not be wrong for someone else, another example to prove my point , I cannot kill someone in India ( not even for self defense) but I can join the Army go to border and kill some people if they are terrorists. Get my point?

But that is not the only point that turned me in to an introvert. People do not care. You might think they do, but then you should consider yourself lucky if they do. Last Sunday I was in a birthday party. One guy asked me where I lived. Well he wasn't drunk. He asked me 3 times, because he never paid attention to my answer. So, my point is why bother wasting my energy with someone who is not going to remember anything anyway, and if someone does remember, chances are he wants something from me, that something ( in most of the cases) is money. Hence I do not socialize, not even online, never made any post on any forums here, and never would most probably. I share some cat videos on facebook, because I find them adorable. I rely on one on one interactions which is really rare as you can imagine, but then I have always know quality is important than quantity. Although, in WW2 America had an advantage of mass producing tanks those were inferior to German tanks who were worried about quality and that is one reason Germans lost the battle. But then in modern age Apple phone is more expensive than 2 lg phones because of quality.

But here is the thing, after all these years, after so many experiences I can live with negative memories, bitterness, trust issues , depression and anxiety. But that will never solve my problems, well, depending on what type of problem we are talking here. But these cannot solve any problem, chances are these will create problem for me.

So what do I do? I reached to my super power. I am blessed with some ability to observe and absorb and analyze. I have been often called wise. May be I am wise, wise enough to know I am not right all the time. But why not rely on my best feature, my only power? Adults choose alcohol over milk or orange juice and everyone in Italy thought Galileo was crazy when he concluded that earth goes around sun. So, one person can be right and all others can be idiots, right?

What's super power? Do you use it?