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RE: New website !

in #blocktivity7 years ago (edited)

Another way you can look at this is how much is a daily transaction worth on each blockchain. Or if you buy the blockchain, how much of the blockchain do you need to buy per an average transaction? In order to generate an average daily transaction in bitcoin you need $409,275. Might be a bit expensive. In Doge it is only 7,174. Ultimately on could argue it is the transactions that bring value to a blockchain (as with no users they are worthless) but these valuations are not in the same ballpark.
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It's the same kind of reasoning behind the AVI index. You'll find your numbers twisted in another way but the ratio is the same. Nice table !

Activity Valuation Index (AVI):
This is one of the most interesting data points on the website. This index takes the Bitcoin value (market cap) and the number of transactions (Tx) per day and makes it an index set to "1". Then, it varies with the other blockchains data. The index grows when the blockchain is very active and its market cap is low.
A blockchain with the same amount of Tx as Bitcoin but with only half of its market cap would have an AVI of 2. From the investor point of view, it would be twice as valuable as Bitcoin because it would have the same level of activity with only half the market cap. Another blockchain with half the amount of Bitcoin Tx with the same market cap would have an AVI of 0.5.
We can see blockchains like BitShares and Steem having very high index values. That is explained by the fact that they have a very low market caps but they process the same kind of Bitcoin activity or more.

It is the same data, to me it seems easier to understand this way. (Well, to some extent both ways seem a little convoluted with ridiculous numbers, but I haven't found a better way yet. )